
13.10.2014 09:16 Age: 10 yrs

Saral is now operational

Category: Operational news

Saral instruments have been successfully switched ON on 9th of October.

The Saral spacecraft entered safe mode last week, on 6 October 2014 (see our <link http: en news front-page-news _top external-link-new-window>dedicated news). Saral instruments have been successfully switched ON  on 9th of October and the payload was fully operational since 14:27 UTC. 
The total outage lasts 3,5 days.
  • OGDR/IGDRs still impacted:
    • The OGDR dissemination is nominal since 2014/10/10
    • The IGDR production was also resumed and the products will be disseminated today (Monday 2014/10/13),  after a quick quality control. 
    • Be informed that, due to the survival mode, the satellite is currently out of the nominal ground track. A station-keeping maneuver occured and will bring us back to the +/-1 km nominal ground track by Tuesday, 14th, October.
  • Ssalto/Duacs production is nominal:
This manoeuver has no impact for the Ssalto/Duacs products since measurements are re-sampled along a theoretical ground track (or mean track) associated to each mission. Consequently, Saral measurements are again integrated into Ssalto/Duacs production since 2014/10/09.