
14.10.2009 13:01 Age: 15 yrs

5-10 October, 2009 week

Category: Press Review
<link http: actualites la-peninsule-de-yamal-une-bombe-a-retardement-emplie-de-methane_793417.html _blank external-link-new-window>La péninsule de Yamal, une bombe à retardement emplie de méthane (L'express, 2009/10/09) <link http: planete article le-systeme-argos-celebre-ses-trente-annees-d-activite_1249933_3244.html _blank external-link-new-window>Le système Argos célèbre ses trente années d'activité (Le Monde, 2009/10/06) <link http: research _blank external-link-new-window>Lasers from space show thinning of Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets (Eoportal, 2009/09/23)  On line availability of articles depends on the Newspaper/magazine. We can't thus certify that above articles will be freely and permanently available.