
03.12.2020 10:36 Age: 4 yrs

[Jason-3] Disclaimer on Jason3 Calval OGDR/IGDR

Category: Operational news

Slight increase of +5mm of the difference between the radiometer and the model wet tropospheric correction in OGDR and IGDR production.


Dear Aviso User,
We inform you that we noticed a slight increase of +5mm of the difference between the radiometer and the model wet tropospheric correction in OGDR and IGDR production.
The cause was identified, this is due to the use of an incorrect calibration file, impacting all radiometer parameters.
Impacted OGDR products: OGDR-F from Cycle 176 pass 187 to cycle 177 pass 109 (Impacted days Nov 25-Dec 1)
Impacted IGDR products: IGDR-F from Cycle 176 pass 163 to cycle 177 pass 87 (Impacted days Nov 24-Nov 30)
No GDR impacted.
The issue is corrected after these dates.