
02.03.2009 09:00 Age: 16 yrs

First results for the new Jason tandem

Category: News of the other missions

First results made by Ssalto/Duacs since the end of Jason-1 drift, using the new multi-satellites configuration show good results.

After several drifting maneuvers, Jason-1 began its first cycle (cycle 263) of data on 20 February 2009 on its new orbit. Jason-1 has the same ground tracks and pass numbers than those used during Topex/Poseidon interleaved phase, but with a time lag of about 5 days on OSTM/Jason-2. Combined with Envisat mission, this new tandem mission offers an excellent sampling for a an accurate picture of the oceans. First results made by Ssalto/Duacs since the end of Jason-1 drift, using this new configuration of multi-satellites show a formal error on SLA maps decreasing and a better description of mesoscale circulation.
Ssalto/Duacs merged Maps of Absolute Dynamic Topography on 2009/02/26 produced with Jason-1 (top) and without Jason-1 (bottom). Envisat ground tracks are not shown here, OSTM/Jason-2 ground tracks are in black and those of Jason-1 in purple.
The deployment of Ssalto/Duacs v9.0 on the operational server and the delivery of Jason-1 based data will be performed tomorrow.  

Further information:

  • <link internal-link>Ssalto/Duacs product updates