
16.03.2021 08:41 Age: 4 yrs

Aviso+ Users Newsletter #18

Category: Odatis, Website updates

Release of the 18th Aviso+ Users Newsletter, dedicated to meeting the needs of data users, and highlighting CNES altimetry-mission activities.

We are pleased to announce you the publication of the  Aviso+ Users Newsletter #18.


  • Jason-CS / Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, towards a fourth decade of sea level observation
  • Climate indicators from space: ocean heat uptake and earth energy imbalance
  • Towards high-resolution gridded Sea Surface Height products
  • Reprocessing of a sea level L2P multi-mission
  • dataset covering 28 years
  • DOI to the dataset
  • Series of slides on SWOT in hydrology
  • Events

Find all the past newsletters here.