
18.02.2009 07:36 Age: 16 yrs

Jason-1 on its new orbit

Category: News of the other missions

Jason-1 is now on its new orbit. First cycle of data for this new orbit will begin at 04:18 UTC on 20-Feb-2009.

All went well with fifth and final maneuver sequence to boost Jason-1 into the nominal operational orbit and place it within the targeted station-keeping control box (planned orbit raise was +500 m; observed orbit raise was +480 m) on 14 February 2009 at 20:51 UTC. A routine station-keeping maneuver is planned for 19 February 2009, to center the spacecraft within the control box prior to the start of Science Cycle 263. Nominal production of all data products in the new orbit resumed on 14-Feb-2009 at 20:51 UTC.  Nominal science data delivery will continue for the remainder of Science Cycle 262.  The first complete science cycle in the new Jason-1 orbit (Cycle 263) will begin at 04:18 UTC on 20-Feb-2009.  (Jason-1 cycle boundaries have now advanced five days from the OSTM/Jason-2 cycle boundaries.)