
08.10.2013 08:54 Age: 11 yrs

[Cryosat-2] Lack of Cryosat-2 data in Ssalto/Duacs system since 2013/10/02

Category: Operational news

Cryosat SIRAL acquisitions stopped on October 2 at 16:23:01 UTC due to onboard issue which is under investigation.

Cryosat SIRAL acquisitions stopped on October 2 at 16:23:01 UTC due to onboard issue which is under investigation. Consequently, no input data from Cryosat-2 can be integrated to Ssalto/Duacs system. All the Cryosat-2 dataset of along-track NRT products for all regions are unavailable since 2013/10/02.
Moreover, we remind that all Cryosat-2 products over oceans, from Cnes's Cryosat Processing Prototype, are generated on a best effort basis.
Further information will be done to precise the status of this incident.