
29.03.2012 15:04 Age: 13 yrs

Call for the Cnes/Eumetsat Joint Research Announcement

Category: Events

Call for the Cnes/Eumetsat Joint Research Announcement soliciting for research proposals in the frame of the Jason-2/Ocean Surface Topography Mission, to re-select and re-convene the joint Noaa/Nasa/Eumetsat/Cnes Ocean Surface Topography Science Team.

The Cnes/Eumetsat Joint Research Announcement soliciting for research proposals in the frame of the Jason-2/Ocean Surface Topography Mission (J-2/OSTM). It is the European counterpart of the Nasa Research Announcement, ROSES-2011 A.10, solicitation: NNH11ZDA001N-OSTST (issued February 18th, 2011 and Amended on August 16, 2011) to re-select and re-convene the joint Noaa/Nasa/Eumetsat/Cnes Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST).  This announcement calls for European proposals for OSTST participation. International teams whose investigators do not belong from the USA or Europe are invited to submit their proposal to any or both announcements. The re-established OSTST will again support basic research and investigations associated with J-2/OSTM as well as other satellite altimetry missions, including Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1 and the upcoming Jason-3 mission.  Please read the announcement (<link fileadmin documents ostst j2_proposal ostst_cnes_eumetsat_jra_2012.pdf download>pdf) carefully. All proposals to this announcement should be sent to Cnes. A joint selection will be coordinated by the agencies in mid-2012. Because the release of this announcement has been slightly delayed, the deadline to submit proposals has been re-scheduled to 15 April 2012! Hans Bonekamp (Eumetsat)
Juliette Lambin (Cnes)