
10.04.2014 13:58 Age: 10 yrs

Jean-Michel Lefèvre has passed away

Category: Events

Jean-Michel Lefèvre passed away on April 5th, 2014 after a long and hard fight against disease. His friends and co-workers remember him with respect and admiration. He will be missed by all.

You may leave a sympathy message using the <link internal-link>online form. They will be posted onto the <link internal-link>dedicated page, and transmitted to his family.  Jean-Michel helped to promote altimetry through many pages on the Aviso website:
  • <link internal-link>Atlantic storm wave heights at hurricanes's level
  • <link internal-link>Southern swell in the Indian Ocean
  • <link internal-link>What can altimetry tell us about rogue waves?
  • <link internal-link>Opal hurricane, October 1995
  • <link internal-link>Series of hurricanes
  • Newsletter: <link internal-link>Topex/Poseidon and the wind 
  • Newsletter: <link http: fileadmin documents kiosque newsletter news06 lefevre_uk.pdf>Altimetry and sea state forecasting at Météo France
  • Newsletter: <link http: fileadmin documents kiosque newsletter news08 lefevre.pdf>Ocean forecasting and altimetry 
  • Newsletter: <link http: fileadmin documents kiosque newsletter news10 lefevre_uk.pdf>Operational use of Jason-1 data