
12.01.2023 15:32 Age: 2 yrs

AVISO+ User Satisfaction Survey 2023

Category: Website updates

We invite you to complete the AVISO+ User Satisfaction Survey, for the year 2023. Your feebacks will be shared with the space agencies and will be detailed in the AVISO+ Users newsletter.

Please follow the link:  (click on the link or copy-paste)

This anonymous 4-7 minute-questionnaire aims at improving the quality of our products and services. It includes 3 subparts displayed over 5 pages:

  • The new products and particularly how do you assess their handling,
  • The data timeliness, data access, data processing and formats,
  • The website and User Service Desk.

All the answers are optional: if you're not concerned by one of these three subparts, you can ignore it and jump to the next page. But in all cases, please go to the last page until the "Submit" button to send us your answers.

The results will be shared with the space agencies and will be detailed in the AVISO+ Users newsletter.

We thank you in advance for your participation and valuable contributions in completing this survey.

The Aviso and Cnes Teams