
01.06.2012 07:22 Age: 12 yrs

Aviso Users Newsletter #8

Category: Website updates

Publication of the eighth Aviso Users Newsletter.

We are pleased to announce you the publication of the eighth <link fileadmin documents newsstand newsletter aviso_users_news08.pdf download>Aviso Users Newsletter focused on:
  • in-orbit and ongoing missions with the recent events on Envisat and Jason-1,
  • the integration of Cryosat-2 data in Duacs multimission system,
  • a Data Use Case with BRAT representing the Eddy Kinetic Energy seen by Cryosat-2 and Jason-2,
  • news from the release of the easy-to-use Pistach coastal altimeter product,
  • Keops2: Altimetry data to understand the biological pump,
  • calls for contribution for the exhibition "20 years of Art-imetry and Models" at the next OSTST meeting.

Further information:

  • Newstand: <link internal-link>Aviso Users Newsletter