
21.03.2024 11:02 Age: 190 days

New version 04_00 of L2P products in NTC delay

Category: Website updates

A new version 04_00 of L2P products in Non-Time-Critical delay (NTC) is available for missions Sentinel-3A/B, Sentinel-6 MF, Jason-3/2/1, SARAL/AltiKa, Cryosat-2, HaiYang-2A/B, TOPEX/Poseidon, Envisat, ERS-1/2, Geosat Follow On.

L2P products are netcdf homogenous along-track mono-mission inter-calibrated products, providing as much as possible the same updated corrections and models for all processed missions, in order to facilitate inter-mission comparisons. 
A new version 04_00 is disseminated by AVISO+ via FTP/SFTP and TDS (connect to MY AVISO+) for all missions and also on EUMETSAT Data center for Sentinel-6 MF mission.
If you are not yet registered on AVISO+, please connect via the registration form and sign the License Agreement.
Note about the dissemination:
All the data have been delivered in version 04_00. For on going missions, the version 03_00 delivery is stopped, the next cycles will be produced in version 04_00 only.
What is new in this version:

Continuous L2P time-series:

  • The whole altimetry L2P time-series was reprocessed with the new version 04_00 during 2023.
  • The reprocessed L2P products are based on recently reprocessed L2 data for several missions (Poseidon/topex GdrF, Sentinel-3 A & Sentinel-3 B Baseline Collection 005, Sentinel-6 A F08, Jason 3 GdrF)
  • The reprocessed dataset is disseminated by AVISO+, as detailed above.

For more detailed information please refer to the product page.