
13.03.2008 13:00 Age: 17 yrs

North Atlantic storm generate huge waves

Category: Ocean and climate news

A storm hit the North-East Atlantic coast on March 10, 2008. Altimeters measured significant wave heights above 16 m.

Significant wave heights measured by Envisat and Jason-1

and by Envisat along its track

A storm hit the North-East Atlantic coast on March 10, 2008. The altimeter onboard Envisat measured significant wave heights above 16 m on March 10 at about 12 h. The day before, at about 20 h, Jason-1 measured heights over 14 m further West.
At the same time, a buoy South of Ireland recorded 17.8 m. Such significant wave heights are comparable to what can be measured during tropical cyclones. This event was forecasted by Météo France models 4 to 5 days in advance.
However, especially high spring tide lead to considerable damages and serious problems for navigation (a cargo even run aground on the Sables d'Olonne beach in France).