
19.02.2020 14:53 Age: 5 yrs

China France CFOSAT satellite data are now available

Category: News of the CFOsat mission, Website updates

CFOSAT was launched on October 29th 2018 with the two radar instruments SWIM and SCAT on board. All the satellite, instruments and ground segments elements are functioning well. 

Since the first data release, groups of experts from space agencies and research laboratories in France and China have been working to assess the instrument performance and the data quality. The validation results and the first applications by the Science Team members have been presented during the first international meeting of the Science Team last September 2019. Further to the positive results presented during this meeting, the CFOSAT Joint Steering Committee decided that the SWIM and SCAT scientific products can be open to all potential users for scientific application.

Today we are very pleased to announce that the CFOSAT Products are made available by the French ground segment on the AVISO+ website.


  • All the SWIM L1A, L1B and L2 products are available from the 29th of July 2019,
  • New products are processed in Near Real Time conditions, based on a best effort and made available as following:
    - SWIM L1B and L2 daily, up to 15 orbits per day and within 4 hours, MY AVISO+
    - SWIM L1A, twice a week in a differed time latency, Aviso+ Cnes Data Center


  • All the SCAT L1B, L2A and NRT products are available between the 10th of October 2019 July 2019 and the 29th of December 2019, Aviso+ Cnes Data Center
  • These products have been generated with the Chinese processing chain,
  • Products after the 29th of December 2019 will be made available later, after a complementary calibration phase following an on-board modification. 

More details on the CFOSAT mission and products can be found here.


Note that two events in 2020 should be of interest for users of  CFOSAT products:

  • A special issue on CFOSAT in an International Journal is planned. Abstracts should be prepared for April 30th and sent to either daniele.hauser(at) or to xuying(at), with full papers due for September 2020
  • The second International CFOSAT Science Team meeting is planned in France 17-19 November 2020 in Saint-Malo, France.


  • For non registered users, please select the product "Wave / wind CFOSAT product" in the registration form
  • For registered users, please select the product "Wave / wind CFOSAT product" in MY AVISO+ in the section "Other products you may want to access"