
21.05.2012 11:36 Age: 12 yrs

In honour of Michel Lefebvre

Category: Events

Michel Lefebvre became a Knight of the Legion of Honour, one of the highest distinctions in France.

Michel Lefebvre

Michel Lefebvre was first a merchant sailor, Navy captain, and astronomer, before going the Cnes to lead their Space Geodesy group. He was instrumental in designing the Doris positioning system, and in developing the Poseidon altimeter, which were launched on the Topex/Poseidon mission in 1992.
In the 1990s, Michel Lefebvre worked on a large number of international projects, and helped initiate the European operational oceanography project Mercator, and worked to set up the global GODAE programme.

Further information:

  • Wikipedia website: <link http: wiki michel_lefebvre _blank external-link-new-window>Michel Lefebvre (in french)