
17.09.2010 07:46 Age: 14 yrs

Upgrade on the Aviso LAS

Category: Website updates

The Aviso LAS is fully back in service, including the new reprocessing Delayed-Time data.

Since the release of the new reprocessing Delayed-Time data  (Ssalto/Duacs v3.0.0) on FTP servers in June and on Opendap/Extraction tool at the end of August, the Aviso LAS has not been upgraded with these new data. This is the case today: the Aviso LAS is now entirely operational and updated with the new reprocessing Delayed-Time data. All Ssalto/Ducas gridded data are available via the Aviso LAS:

  • Sea Surface Height (MSLA - MADT)
  • Geostrophic velocities (Anomalies and Absolute)
  • Wind
  • Waves

The Delayed-Time and the Near-Real-Time data overlays over few months:

  • Delayed-Time MSLA/MADT and geostrophic velocities strech out as fas as November 2009,
  • Near-Real Time MSLA/MADT and geostrophic velocities strech out as fas as March 2009.


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