
18.07.2011 14:03 Age: 13 yrs

Announce for the 5th Coastal Altimetry Workshop

Category: Events

Mark in your agenda: The "5th Coastal Altimetry Workshop" will take place on 16-18th October 2011, in San Diego, USA.

The international community of scientists working on development and applications of altimetry in the coastal zone is meeting again in San Diego for the 5th Workshop of this successful Coastal Altimetry series.
The meeting will be held on 16-18th October 2011.Three days devoted to applications of coastal altimetry and synergies with other datasets and to the technical issues in coastal altimetry (retracking, corrections, etc). Further information on registration, abstract submission, important dates are detailed on the <link http: _blank external-link-new-window>dedicated website and/or in the <link fileadmin documents news mod_actus workshop_coastal_altimetry_flyer_oct2011.pdf download>flyer.