
26.04.2022 12:47 Age: 2 yrs

Renewal of the CFOSAT Science Team for the period 2023-2026

Category: News of the CFOsat mission, Website updates

On April the 25th, the CNES Research Announcement (RA) for the renewal of the CFOSAT (China France Oceanography SATellite) Science Team for the period 2023-2026 was disseminated.

CFOSAT, launched on the 29th October 2018 is an innovative mission, which carries two Ku-Band active instruments, SWIM dedicated to the measurement of directional spectra of ocean surface waves, nadir SWH, and SCAT dedicated to the measurement of ocean surface wind vectors. By providing  the wave spectra and the wind vector at the same time and at a global scale, CFOSAT has already demonstrated its potential for contributing to important fields of research, especially in the following topics:  atmosphere/ocean exchanges, ocean wave physics, sea-ice monitoring, atmospheric, wave and oceanic modeling or forecast, and climate monitoring of wind and wave fields.
This call aims at encouraging a wider international scientific partnership to foster the use of the innovative observations of CFOSAT by scientific community. After 3 years in orbit, the scientific topics of interest for CFOSAT data are enlarged and combination of CFOSAT data with other sources is promising.
This CNES RA is open to scientists from French and international organisms (except Chinese scientists who will be selected by CNES Chinese partner). French teams that are selected will be funded through the French national TOSCA program. International collaborators (except French and Chinese) selected to be member of the CFOSAT Science Team will have to ensure that their activities are financed by their national bodies.
All proposals shall be submitted through an email to 

Key due dates
Notices of Intent (NOI)Tuesday May 31st, 2022, by mail at (NOI not mandatory, but will allow to optimize the peer review process, 4 different reviewers name may be proposed) 
Proposal  Submission: Thursday June 30th, 2022
The re-established membership of CFOSAT Science Team will be communicated by the CNES before November 30th, 2022. The renewed team will start in January 2023.
The attached excel file is only relevant for French proposals (see RA directives).
Download the documents in the zip file

If you have any questions, the Points of Contact are the following :
Lotfi Aouf, CFOSAT PI:
Daniele Hauser, CFOSAT co-PI :
Cedric Tourain, CFOSAT project scientist :
Annick Sylvestre-Baron, CNES Ocean Program manager :