
15.09.2009 12:40 Age: 15 yrs

Cryosat's launch postponed until February

Category: News of the other missions

A new launch date has just been announced for Esa Cryosat mission. Choosen in function of avaibility at the Baikonour lauch site, the new target is postponed until 28 February 2010. Dedicated to polar observations, it will determine variations in the thickness of the Earth's continental ice sheets and marine ice cover, and to test the prediction of thinning arctic ice due to global warming.

Further information:

  • Mission: <link internal-link>Cryosat
  • Esa website: <link http: esacp semzt6w0ezf_index_0.html _blank external-link-new-window>February launch for ESA's CryoSat ice mission (2009/09/14).