Discovering a current in the 21st century with altimetry
Image of the month - April 2007
Ocean currents can be discovered in the 21st century: oceanographers found a current, the South Indian Counter Current, looking closely at altimetry data. This surface current, which goes eastwards from Madagascar at about 25°S is the counterpart of a westward current closer to Equator. If it can't be seen at every time, averaging current velocities in the region shows it clearly.
Altimetry measurements represent a huge quantity of information on the ocean (a Topex/Poseidon 10-day cycle gathered more measurements than the previous 100 years of in situ measurements). Continuity of these measurement over long period will bring to light new phenomena, not very proeminent on instantaneous views, but that show up over longer periods.

See also :
- Data: MADT products
- Image of the Month, October 2004: Altimetry helps link bits and pieces of a current together.
- Applications : Ocean circulation.
Websites on this subject :
Reference :
- Siedler, G., M. Rouault, and J.R.E. Lutjeharms, 2006: Structure and origin of the subtropical South Indian Ocean Countercurrent, Geophys. Res. Lett, 33, L24609, doi:10.1029/2006GL027399