Operational News

Operational news about Ssalto and Duacs processing system.

30.06.2015 The AVISO CNES Data Center will not be available from June 30th 2015, 4pm (TU) until July 1st 2015, 7am (TU)

For maintenance reasons, the AVISO CNES Data Center will not be available from June 30th 2015, 4pm (TU) until July 1st 2015, 7am (TU). Sorry for the inconvenience.[more]

17.06.2015 Nominal conditions after restoration of power

All the altimetry and orbitography production is now resumed.[more]

15.06.2015 Impossibility to deliver in time CNES products for altimetry and orbitography

Due to a major electrical failure at CNES premises during the week-end, we are not is position to deliver in time the products for altimetry and orbitography.[more]

09.06.2015 Interruption of AVISO-CNES DATA SERVER from 2015-06-09 16:00 UTC to 2015-06-15 06:00 UTC

We are pleased to announce that this new version of the AVISO CNES Data Center will improve the access quality interface. [more]

05.06.2015 [Saral/AltiKa]: recent orbit drift

Saral/AltiKa’s ground track has been drifting from the nominal track with deviations than can reach more than 10km depending on the latitude[more]

26.05.2015 Short interruption of Cnes FTP server on May 27, 2015

A new short interruption of Cnes ftp server (ftp://avisoftp.cnes.fr/AVISO/pub) is planned on May 27, 2015 between 5:00 and 7:00 UTC. Indeed, this maintenance is planned to restore nominal conditions. as a result of the interruptions which occurred last Friday, May 22th. We apologize for the inconvenience. [more]

22.05.2015 Temporary interruption of Cnes FTP server on May 22, 2015: being resolved

Cnes FTP server (ftp://avisoftp.cnes.fr/AVISO/pub/) was momentarily unavailable on May 22, 2015 from 10:00 am UTC to early afternoon. The FTP connections are now available again. However, some disturbances could still occur. We apologize for the inconvenience.[more]

22.05.2015 The new GDR-E orbit standard becomes operational

On May 26th 2015, the Jason-2 IGDR processing chain will include the new GDR-E orbit standard (based on data of May 25th). [more]

22.05.2015 Temporary interruption of Cnes FTP server on May 22, 2015

Cnes FTP server (ftp://avisoftp.cnes.fr/AVISO/pub/) is momentarily unavailable on May 22, 2015. Users will be informed when the service will be available again. We apologize for the inconvenience.[more]

04.05.2015 [Saral/AltiKa] News about maneuvers and station keeping

The last maneuver could not be carried out. See impacts.[more]

Displaying results 161 to 170 out of 315