Operational News

Operational news about Ssalto and Duacs processing system.

21.01.2009 Jason-2 IGDR products available

Jason-2 IGDR products are available on AVISO server from now. These products are computed at CNES in NetCDF file format. 3 types of files are available : - a IGDR native NetCDF formatted datasets ("standard product"); - a reduced 1Hz subset of the full dataset (IGDR-SSHA); - an expert sensor product containing the full radar-echo waveforms (S-IGDR)

21.01.2009 [DUACS] Switch from Jason-1 to Jason-2

The DUACS system has switched from Jason-1 to Jason-2 this morning (January 21 2009).Jason-2 is used as the reference mission for the orbit error reduction scheme. When Jason-1 will reach its new orbit, we'll re-integrate it in the multisatellite system (tentative date: February 16)Another news will be published when it will be effective.[more]

14.01.2009 Jason-1 shifted on a new orbit

Jason-1 will be shifted on a new orbit, beginning January 26 (cycle 260) up to February 8 or 9 (beginning of cycle 262). Jason-2 takes over the reference ground track.

11.09.2008 Ssalto/Duacs products updated

After the problem detected on Jason-1 the 2008/08/07, Jason-2 data was integrated in Ssalto/Duacs near-real time processing. In order to consolidate the quality of Duacs data over the past weeks,  the data were reprocessed (between the 2008/08/07 - 2008/08/29 for the gridded products and between the 2008/08/07 - 2008/09/02 for the along track products). The regional product on the Mediterranean Sea (regional-mfstep) is also concerned for the gridded and along track data. Today, all is nominal. To be regularly advice of Ssalto/Duacs updates, feel free to contact the Aviso user service (aviso@cls.fr) with "Subscribe Ssalto/Duacs updates" as subject.[more]

26.08.2008 DUACS production resumed this morning

A back up processing chain will be set in place. Click on the link for more informations...[more]

25.08.2008 SSALTO/DUACS products unavailable since 2008/08/21

The recent Jason-1 safehold mode induced a data gap in the Jason-1 altimeter data series and this gap is larger than the one allowed by the resilience of the DUACS system. The production is scheduled to be resumed this night.

22.08.2008 Jason-1 back to operational mode

- 2008/08/20 : Jason-1 mass memory has been reconfigured and the payload has been switched on. - 2008/08/22 : IGDR products are computed again from 2008/08/20 10h52 TU

19.08.2008 Jason-1 latest news

The satellite is out of safehold mode since 2008/08/13. A problem of mass memory has been detected the 2008/08/14. Investigations are ongoing on CNES and THALES sides.

14.08.2008 Jason-1 OSDR produced once again

Jason-1 OSDR are once again produced nominally. First file generated after end of safehold mode is JA1_OSD_2PcS20080813_142211_04887 produced at 17:41 (UT) on August 13.

12.08.2008 Jason-1 restarting nominally

Jason-1 is getting out of safehold mode nominally. A single event upset is probably the cause of the problem on wheel #3. Payload will be re-started on Wednesday (August 13rd), except for Doris which stayed ON. OSDR processing will begin back then, IGDR processing on August 18.

Displaying results 301 to 310 out of 315