Operational News

Operational news about Ssalto and Duacs processing system.

18.02.2019 [Jason-2] Jason-2 is in safe mode since Saturday, February 16th 2019 @14:56:48 UTC

The Jason-2 spacecraft entered safe mode Saturday, February 16th 2019 @14:56:48 UTC immediately interrupting its measurements. [more]

14.02.2019 [Jason-2/Jason-3] MOE calculation takes into account DORIS and GPSP measurements

Starting Wednesday February 13th 2019, DORIS and GPSP measurements are taken into account for the calculation of Jason-2 and Jason-3 MOE.[more]

29.01.2019 [Sentinel-3B L2P] redelivery of L2P S3B Near Real Time and Short Time Critical

Due to inapproriate global attributes in the files, the whole files of NRT and STC S3B L2P time series have been reprocessed and redistributed today (29/01 after 14h UTC) on the Aviso+ ftp server.[more]

11.01.2019 [Jason-2] has restarted successfully on Monday 7th, January

All core payload instruments have been restarted around 8:30UTC on Monday 7th January[more]

27.12.2018 [Jason-2] is in safe hold mode since December 26th at 01:33:54UTC

The Jason-2 spacecraft entered safe mode on Wednesday, December 26th 2018 at @01:33:54UTC, immediately interrupting its measurements. [more]

20.12.2018 [Jason-3] reprocessed POE delivery

All POE have been reprocessed for Jason-3 in level F.[more]

26.10.2018 Data delivery on the CNES FTP Server delayed

Please be informed that due to a hard failure impacting the Cnes/Ssalto echanges, the data delivery on the CNES FTP server may be affected. Actions are on going to resume to nominal situation. We apologize for the inconvenience[more]

25.10.2018 [Jason-2] Jason-2 is back to nominal

Today, October 25th, all core-mission instruments have been restarted[more]

22.10.2018 [Jason 2] Jason 2 in Safe Hold Mode on October 19th at 11:41:34UTC

Jason 2 in Safe Hold Mode on October 19th at 11:41:34UTC[more]

06.09.2018 [Sentinel-3A L2P] redelivery of NTC Sentinel-3A cycle 24 on September 6th 2018

Please, be informed that the cycle 24 of the NTC Sentinel-3A L2P products covering the period between 16/11 to 23/11/2017 has been redelivered.Indeed, following the installation of the new software version, the values of the SLA bias were not correct. The files from version 02_00 named global_sla_l2p_ntc_s3a_C0024_P*_201711*_20180823*.nc.gz have been redelivered with the corrected variables 'inter_mission_bias' and 'sea_level_anomaly' We apologize for the inconvenience.[more]

Displaying results 81 to 90 out of 315