Operational News

Operational news about Ssalto and Duacs processing system.

05.02.2020 [Jason-3] was restarted successfully on February 5th

Jason-3 was restarted successfully on the last visibility (cycle 147 pass 33) : -    POSEIDON at 09:34UTC -    AMR at 09:36UTC -    GPSP at 09:37UTC   OGDRs will start flowing around 11:45UTC.[more]

04.02.2020 [Jason-3] SHM recovery operations are being carried on successfully. Both gyros have been restarted on Feb 3rd with a satisfactory behavior.

According to the recovery schedule, and if it keeps on nominally, Jason-3 should be back in the game on Wednesday, Feb. 5th, around 9:45UTC. The first OGDRs should then be available around 11:45UTC.[more]

31.01.2020 [Jason-3] in Safe Hold Mode on January 31st, 2020

Today, January 31st 2020, at 04:51:17 UTC, during pass 154 of cycle 146, Jason-3 was automatically reconfigured to Safe Hold Mode, immediately interrupting its measurements.[more]

27.01.2020 [IGDR Saral products] resumption of Saral IGDR delivery

After further verification, we are pleased to resume the delivery of Saral IGDR. We apologize for any inconvenience.[more]

24.01.2020 [IGDR Saral products] temporary interruption of Saral IGDR delivery from January 24 2020

Due to an unexpected behavior during calval sanity check, we differ the IGDR delivery. The next status will be given on Monday 27. We are sorry for the inconvenience.[more]

21.01.2020 [Saral/AltiKa] new GDR-F products standard

Following OSTST recommendations, we are really happy to provide to Altimetry community the release of the SARAL/AltiKa new GDR-F products standard.[more]

17.01.2020 CNES DATA center access

Access to CNES Data Center is available again. Recovery is completed.[more]

02.12.2019 AVISO+ FTP server recovery

Recovery of AVISO+ FTP server has been completed[more]

02.12.2019 Temporary unavailability of the AVISO+ FTP server

AVISO+ FTP server is unavailable since Sunday December 1st 23h UTC.[more]

28.11.2019 CNES DATA center maintenance operation on December 3rd

Due to a maintenance operation next Tuesday December 3rd, the access to CNES DATA Center (aviso-data-center.cnes.fr) will be unavaible between 07h30 to 18h UTC[more]

Displaying results 51 to 60 out of 315