OSTST 2016 meeting (La Rochelle, France)
The 2016 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) Meeting was held in La Rochelle, France, November 1-4. The meeting was held alongside the SAR Altimetry and IDS Workshop in the same location respectively on October 31 and October 31 – November 1, in the frame of the "New era of altimetry, new challenges" symposium. The primary objectives of the OSTST Meeting were to (1) provide updates on the status of Jason-2, and Jason-3 (2) conduct splinter meetings on system performance (orbit, measurements, corrections), altimetry data products, science outcomes, and outreach, (3) preliminary analysis of data from the Jason-3 altimeter, which was launched on January 17th 2016.
- See abstracts, programme, posters and presentations on Aviso+ meeting (click on "program" in the top menu, then choose OSTST 2016),
- Download the general report of the 2016 OSTST meeting (pdf, 5 MB)