Better knowledge of ocean circulation is enabling us to better understand and predict climate, especially natural catastrophes such as El Niño. This phenomenon, caused by anomalous warm water arrivals on the coast of Peru, brings severe weather patterns, such as drought, flooding, and cyclones. It is now possible to predict El Niño from ocean data.

Monthly mean of Sea Level Anomalies (in cm) over the Ocean Pacific as computed for the El Niño indicator (annual and seasonnal cycles removed). Download enlarged images from the Gallery. Credits CNES/EU Copernicus Marine Service.
Further information :
- Applications, Oceans : El Niño is behind rise in sea level.
- Dossier : Watching for El Niño, pdf (3.1 Mo).
- Poster : Keeping on eye on El Niño (pdf, 561 Ko).
- Radar Altimetry Tutorial, Data Use Case applied to El Niño : Monitoring El Niño : Rossby and Kelvin waves.