1. Cauhopé M (2004). Hauteurs d’eau d’une plaine d’inondation amazonienne par altimétrie spatiale.Rapport de stage de DEA Sciences de la Terre et l’Environnement, 30 pages ; Technical report,LEGOS (in French).

2. Cazenave A., Milly, P.C.D., Douville H., Beneveniste J., Lettenmaier D. and Kosuth P., International workshop examines the role of space techniques to measure spatio-temporal change in terrestrial waters, EOS, AGU Trans., vol 85, number 6, 2004.

3. Grippa M., N.M. Mognard, T. Letoan, E.G. Josberger, Siberia snow depth climatology from SSM/I data using a combined dynamic and static algorithm, Remote Sensing of the Environment, 93, 30-41, 2004.

4. Kouraev A., Zakharova E. A., Samain O., Mognard-Campbell N. and Cazenave A., Ob’ river discharge from Topex/Poseidon satellite altimetry, Remote Sensing of Environment, 93, 238-245, 2004.

5. Kouraev A.V., Papa F., Mognard N.M., Buharizin P.I., Cazenave A., Crétaux J-F., Dozortseva J., Remy F., Sea ice cover in the Caspian and Aral seas from historical and satellite data, Journal of Marine System, 47, 89-100, 2004.

6. Kouraev A.V., Papa F., Mognard N.M., Buharizin P.I., Cazenave A., Crétaux J-F., Dozortseva J., Remy F., Synergy of active and passive satellite microwave data for the study of first-year sea ice in the Caspian and Aral seas.Transactions Geophs. and Remote Sensing (TGARS), vol. 42, 42, 10, 2170- 2176, 2004.

7. Mognard, N.M., Snow cover dynamics, in Arctic Environmental Variability in the Context of Global Change, eds Bobylev, L.P., K. Kondratyev, and O.M. Johannessen, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 500 pp. ISBN 3-540-43458-5, 2004.


8. Ramillien G, A. Cazenave, O. Brunau, Global time variations of hydrological signals from GRACE satellite gravimetry, Geophys. J. Int., 158,813-826, 2004. 2008

9. Chang, A. T. C., R. E. J. Kelly, E. G. Josberger, R. L. Armstrong, J. L. Foster and N. M. Mognard. Analysis of ground-measured and passive-microwave-derived snow depth variations in midwinter across the northern Great Plains. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 6: 20-33, 2005.

10. Crétaux J-F, Kouraev A.V., Papa F., Bergé Nguyen M., Cazenave A., Aladin N.V., and Plotnikov I.S., Water balance of the Big Aral sea from satellite remote sensing and in situ observations, Journal of Great Lakes Research, 31 (4), 520-534, 2005.

11. Crétaux J-F., Kouraev A.V., Bergé-Nguyen M., Cazenave A., Papa F., Satellite altimetry for monitoring lake level changes, in ‘Transboundary Water Resources: Strategies for Regional Security and Ecological Stability’, H. Vogtman and Dobretsov (eds), NATO Sciences Series, Springer, 141-146,


12. Frappart F., F. Seyler, J.M. martinez, J. Leon and A. Cazenave, Determination of the water volume in the Negro River sub basin by combination of satellite and in situ data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 99, 387-399, 2005.

13. Gerasimenko, M.D, A.G Kilomietc, M. Kasahara, J-F. Crétaux, L. Soudarin, Establishment of a global three-dimensional kinematic reference frame using VLBI and DORIS data, Far Eastern Mathematical journal, Tome 6, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2005.

14. Grippa M., L. Kergoat, T. Letoan, N.M. Mognard, N. Delbart, J. L'Hermitte, The impact of snow depth and snowmelt on the vegetation variability over Central Siberia, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L21412, doi:10.1029/2005GL024286, 2005.

15. Grippa M., N.M. Mognard, T. LeToan, Comparison between the interannual variability of snow parameters derived from SSM/I and the Ob river discharge, Remote Sensing of the Environment, 98, 35-44, 2005.

16. Ngo-Duc T., Laval K., Polcher Y and Cazenave A., Analyses of the contribution of continental water to sea level variations during the 1997-1998 ENSO event; Comparison between the AMIP simulations and the Topex/Poseidon satellite data., J. Geophys. Res., Vol.110, DO9103, doi:10.1029/2004JD004940, 2005.

17. Ngo-Duc T., Laval K., Polcher Y., Lombard A. and Cazenave A., Effects of land water storage on the global mean sea level over the last half century, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol.32, L09704, doi:10.1019/2005GL022719, 2005.

18. Ramillien G., Frappart F., Cazenave A. and Guentner A., Change in land water storage from 2 years of GRACE satellite data, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 235, 283-301, 2005.


19. Boone, A., N. Mognard, B. Decharme, H. Douville, M. Grippa and K. Kerrigan. The impact of simulated soil temperatures on the estimation of snow depth over Siberia from SSM/I compared to a multi-model climatology. Remote Sensing of Environment, 101: 482-494, 2006.

20. Calmant, S. and F. Seyler. Continental surface waters from satellite altimetry. Geosciences C.R. 338, 1113-1122, 2006.

21. Cauhopé M., Validation globale des series temporelles de hauteurs altimétriques Topex/Poseidon, note technique LEGOS, mars 2006. 

22. Crétaux J-F and C. Birkett, lake studies from satellite altimetry, Geosciences C.R., doi: 10.1016/J.cre.2006.08.002, 2006.

23. Enjolras V., P. Vincent, J.C. Souyris, E. Rodriguez and A. Cazenave , Performances study of interferometric radar altimeter : from the instrument to the global definition mùission, Sensors, 6, 3, 164- 192, 2006.

24. Frappart F. , G. Ramillien, S. Biancamaria, N. Mognard-Campbell and A. Cazenave, Evolution of highlatitude snow mass derived from the GRACE gravimetry mission (2002-2004), Geophys. Res. Lett, 33, L02501, doi:10.1029/2005GL024778, 2006.

25. Frappart F., Calmant S., Cauhopé M., Seyler F. and Cazenave A., Validation of ENVISAT RA-2 derived water levels over the Amazon basin, Remote Sensing of Environment, 100, 252-264, 2006.

26. Frappart F., Dominh K., Lhermitte J., Ramilllien G., Cazenave A. and LeToan T., Water volume change in the lower Mekong Basin from satellite altimetry and imagery data, Geophys. J. Int., 167, 570-584, 2006.

27. Leon, J. G., S. Calmant, F. Seyler, M. P. Bonnet, M. Cauhopé and F. Frappart. Rating curves and average water depth at the Upper Negro river from satellite altimetry and modelled discharges. Journal of Hydrology, 328( 3-4): 481-496, 2006.

28. Leon, J G, Seyler F, Calmant S, Bonnet M, Cauhope M. Hydrological parameter estimation for ungauged basin based on satellite altimeter data and discharge modeling. A simulation for the Caqueta River (Amazonian Basin, Colombia). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. SRef-ID: 1812- 2116/hessd/2006-3-3023.

29. Mognard, N.M. and D.E. Alsdorf, Why a Hydrology Mission Needs Two-Dimensional Acquisitions of Water Surface Elevations?, in Proceedings of the "15 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium Venice, Italy, 13-18 March 2006, ESA Special Publication SP-614, 2006.

30. Ramillien G., Frappart F., Guntner A., Ngo-Duc T. and Cazenave A., Mapping time variations of evapotranspiration rate from GRACE satellite gravimetry, Water Resources Research, 42, W10403, doi:10.1029/2005WR004331, 2006.

31. Schmidt R., Flechtner F., Reigber Ch., Schwintzer P., Gunter A., Doll P., Ramillien G., Cazenave A., Petrovic S., Jochman H. and Wunsch J., GRACE observations of changes in continental water storage, Global and Planetary Change, Vol 50/1-2, 112-126, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.11.018, 2006.

32. Zakharova E., A. Kouraev and A. Cazenave, Amazon river discharge estimated from the Topex/Poseidon altimetry, Geosciences C.R., 338, 188-196, 2006.


33. Alsdorf, D., L.L. Fu, N. Mognard, A. Cazenave, E. Rodriguez, D. Chelton and D. Lettemaier, Measuring global oceans and terrestrial fresh water from space, EOS, Transactions, AGU, v88, n24, p253, 2007.

34. Grippa, M., N. M. Mognard, T. Le Toan and S. Biancamaria, Observations of changes in surface water over the western Siberia lowland. Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L15403 10.1029/2007GL030165, 2007.

35. Kouraev A. V. , Semovski S. V., Shimaraev M. N., Mognard N. M., Legrésy B., Rémy F., « The ice regime of Lake Baikal from historical and satellite data: Relationship to air temperature, dynamical, and other factors", Limnol. Oceanogr., 52, 1268-1286, 2007.

36. Kouraev A. V., Semovski S. V., Shimaraev M. N., Mognard N. M., Legresy B., Remy F., « Observations of lake Baikal ice from satellite altimetry and radiometry » Remote Sensing of Environment, 108, 240-253, 2007.

37. Ngo-Duc T., Laval. K., Polcher J., Ramillien G. and A. Cazenave, Validation of the land water storage simulated by Organising Carbon and Hydrology in Dynamic Ecosystems (ORCHIDEE) with Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data, Water Res. Res, 43, W04427, doi:10.1029/2006WR004941, 2007.

38. Vicente-Serrano, S. M., M. Grippa, T. Le Toan and N. M. Mognard, The role of atmospheric circulation with respect to the interannual variability in the date of snow cover disappearance over northern latitudes between 1988 and 2003.J. Geophys. Res. 112, D08108 , 2007.


39. Biancamaria S., P. Bates, A. Boone., N.M. Mognard, J.-F. Crétaux, Modelling the Ob River in Western Siberia, using Remotely Sensed Digital Elevation Models" Proceedings of the "2nd Space for Hydrology Workshop" WMO, Geneva, November 11-14, 2007, ESA Special Publication SP-xxx, 2008.

40. Biancamaria, S., Mognard N.M.,, Boone A., Grippa M., Josberger E.G., A satellite snow depth multi-year average derived from SSM/I for the high latitude regions , Rem. Sens. Environm., in press, 2008.

41. Bonnet M.P, G. Barroux, J-M Martinez, F. Seyler, P. Moreira-Turcq, G. Cochonneau, J.-M. Melack, G. Boaventura, L. Maurice-Bourgoin, J.-G. León, E. Roux, S. Calmant, P. Kosuth, J-L. Guyot, P. Seyler, Floodplain hydrology in an Amazon floodplain lake (Lago Grande de Curuaí), in press, Journal of Hydrology, 2008.

42. Boronina A. and G. Ramillien, Application of AVHRR imagery and GRACE measurements for calculation of actual evapotranspiration over the Quaternary aquifer (Lake Chad basin) and validation of groundwater models, J. of Hydrology, 348, 98-109, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.09.061, 2008.

43. Calmant S., Seyler F. and Cretaux J.F., Monitoring Continental Surface Waters by Satellite Altimetry, Survey in Geophysics, special issue on ‘Hydrology from Space’, 29, 247-269, 2008.

44. Cretaux J.F., Calmant S., Romanovski V., Shibuyin A., Lyard F., Berge-Nguyen M., Cazenave A. Hernandez F., and F Perosanz Implementation of a new absolute calibration site for radar altimeter in the continental area: lake Issykkul in Central Asia, Journal of Geodesy, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-008- 0289-7, 2008.

45. Cretaux J-F, R. Letolle, and S. Calmant, Investigations on Aral Sea regressions from Mirabilite deposits and remote sensing, aquatic geochemistry, 0.1007/s10498-008-9051-2, 2008.

46. Crétaux J-F, M. Leblanc, S. Tweed, S. Calmant, and G. Ramillien, conbination of radar and laser altimetry, MODIS and GPS for the monitoring of flood events : application to the Diamantina river, submitted, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2008.

47. Kouraev A.V., Kostianoy A.G and Lebedev S.A., Recent changes of sea level and ice cover in the Aral Sea derived from satellite data (1992-2006). In revision, Journal of Marine Systems, 2008.

48. Kouraev A., Shimaraev M.N., Naumenko M.A., Cretaux J.F., Mognard N., Legresy B. and Remy F., Ice and snow cover of continental water bodies from simultaneous radar altimetry and radiometry observations, Survey in Geophysics, special issue on ‘Hydrology from Space’, 29, 271-295, 2008.

49. Lebedev S., A. Sirota, D. Medvedev, S. Khlebnikova, S. Vignudelli, H.M. Snaith, P. Cipollini, F. Venuti, F. Lyard., J. Bouffard., J-F. Cretaux., F. Birol., L. Roblou., A. Kostianoy., A. Ginzburg., N. Sheremet., E. Kuzmina., R. Mamedov., K. Ismatova., A. Alyev., & B. Mustafayev, Exploitng satellite altimetry in coastal ocean through the Alticore project, Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol 10, ES1001, doi:10.2205/2007ES000262, 2008.

50. Leon J.G., M.P. Bonnet, S. Calmant, M. Cauhopé, F. Seyler. Preliminary estimations of discharges in the Rio Negro basin by the flow routing model proGUM using altimetric spatial data, submitted, Hydrological Processes, 2008.

51. Leon J G, Bonnet M P, Seyler F, Calmant S. and Cauhope M. Distributed water flow estimates of the Upper Negro River by a Muskingum-Cunge routing model using altimetric spatial data. Submitted to Journal of Hydrology.

52. Leon, J-G, M-P Bonnet, F. Seyler et S. Calmant, Rating curve in the Amazon Basin combining Altimetryderived water stages and discharge propagated from remote stations, Proceeding of 2nd Hydrospace Workshop, Geneva, Nov 2007, ESA, in press, 2008.

53. Mognard, N.M., Alsdorf D.E., Cazenave A, Rodriguez E., The Water And Terrestrial Elevation Recovery Hydrosphere Mapper (WATER-HM): a dedicated surface water mission, Proceedings of the "2nd Space for Hydrology Workshop" WMO, Geneva, November 11-14, 2007, ESA Special Publication SP-xxx, 2008.

54. Ramillien G., Bouhours S., Lombard A., Cazenave A., Flechtner F. and Schmidt R., Land water contributions from GRACE to sea level rise over 2002-2006, Global and Planetary Change, 60, 381- 392, 2008.

55. Ramillien G., Famiglietti J. and Wahr J., Detection of continental hydrology and glaciology signals from GRACE: a review, Survey in Geophysics, special issue on ‘Hydrology from Space’, 29, 361-374, 2008.

56. Roux E, M. Cauhopé, M-P. Bonnet, S. Calmant, F. Seyler, Daily water stage estimated from satellite altimetric data for large river basin monitoring, in press, Hydrological Sciences Journal - Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, Vol 53-1,81-99, 2008.

57. Santos da Silva, J., E. Roux, O. Correa Rotunno Filho, M-P Bonnet, F. Seyler. et S. Calmant, 3D selection of ENVISAT Data for Improved Water Stage Times series on the Rio Negro and Adjacent Wetlands (Amazon basin), Proceeding of 2nd Hydrospace Workshop, Geneva, Nov 2007, ESA, in press, 2008.

58. Strozzi T, A.V. Kouraev, A. Wiesmann, U. Wegmüller, A. Sharov, C. Werner. Estimation of Arctic glacier motion with satellite L-band SAR data. In press, Remote Sensing of Environment, Available online 2 August 2007, 2008.

59. Vaz de Almeida F., Blitzkow D., Ramillien G., Calmant S., Cazenave A. and Oliveira Campos I., GRACE satellite data and in situ water level time variation correlation analysis in the Amazon Basin, in revision, J. Geodesy, 2008.

60. Vignudelli, L. Testut, M. Cazals, R. Mamedov, M. Sultanov, A. Alyev, J-F. Crétaux, and A. Kostianoy, Installation of Pilot Sea Level Monitoring Station for satellite altimetry Calibration/Validation in the Caspian Sea at Absheron Port, Baku, Azertbaidjan (8-13 June 2008), Caspian Sea Bulletin, N°4 (72) June-August 2008.


61. Milly P.C.D., Cazenave A., Famiglietti J., Gornitz V., Laval K., Lettenmaier D., Sahagian D., Wahr J. and Wilson C. . Terrestrial water storage contributions to sea level rise and variability, Proceedings of the WCRP workshop ‘Understanding sea level rise and variability’, eds. J. Church, P. Woodworth, T. Aarup and S. Wilson et al., Blackwell Publishing, Inc., 2009.