Latest results
This page provides the most recent reports in pdf format available for download (annual reports, executive summaries) for each mission and from the orbit and in-situ comparisons.
The latest issues of the executive summaries can also be read as embedded pdf in the subpages of this section:
- 2022 Jason-3 Executive summary validation report (1 Mo)
- 2022 Sentinel-6 MF executive summary (1.6 Mo)
- 2022 End of life Jason-2 CalVal report (18 Mo)
- 2021 Saral/Altika executive summary (1.2 Mo)
- 2017 Jason-2 Executive summary ( 680 Ko)
Sentinel-6 MF
- You will find all lastest documentation here
- You will find all lastest documentation here
- You will find all lastest documentation here
- 2014 HY-2A: Global statistical assessment and cross-calibration with Jason-2 over Ocean.
- [HY-2A technical note describing improvement performed to enhance S-IGDR products and analyzing the global quality of RS-IGDR products.]
Note that the data used in this technical note are not delivered by Aviso+. Only Level-3 and Level-4 DUACS multimissions are available : HY-2A SLA or ADT (h), MSLA / MADT (h and uv).
- 2017 Jason-2 Executive summary validation report (March 2018, pdf, 680 Ko)
- 2017 Jason-2 Annual validation report (March 2018, pdf, 37 Mo)
- 2016 Reprocessing of Jason-1 GDRs in version E (Feb. 2017, pdf, 30 Mb)
- 2017 Envisat reprocessing (December 2017, pdf, 41 Mb)
- 2017 Validation of altimeter data by comparison with tide gauges measurements and with in-situ T/S ARGO profiles (January 2018, pdf, Mo)
- 2017 Assessment of Orbit Quality through the Sea Surface Height calculation - Yearly report 2017 (February 2018, pdf, 2 Mo)