Key dates for Swot

December 16, 2022 launch  
Mid 2016 Start of NASA & CNES Phase-C/D
(beginning of the conception and building)
January 2016 NASA/JPL Preliminary Design Review
(this review demonstrates if the preliminary design meets all system requirements (risks and schedule constraints are also identified)
February 2014 CNES decision to install a nadir altimeter onboard SWOT  
October 2012 Formation of the Science Definition Team (SDT) Swot SDT 201507
September 2012 NASA Mission Concept Review (MCR)  
2011 AirSWOT development started AirSwot JPL Nasa
2010 NASA/CNES (including CSA) workshare agreement reached  
September 2008 Program kick-off  
2007 A joint informal NASA/CNES Science Working Group (SWG) for SWOT was formed  
2007 Decadal Survey recommended SWOT (Surface Water and Ocean Topography) as a combined mission for land hydrology and oceanography applications  
1998 Wide Swath Ocean Altimeter (WSOA) was selected for NASA's Instrument Incubator Program