Aviso Newsletter 2
In Aviso Newsletter #1 (July 1992) we explained how Aviso would contribute to the US/French Topex/Poseidon ocean altimetry mission.
Now we bring you results . . .
All of us on both sides have put a lot of energy into validating and qualifying the Topex/Poseidon system.
And we've pulled it off! The first big success was the satellite launch on August 10, 1992. Then we switched on the instruments and processing systems, and distributed the first data that produced the scientific results.
We're now fine-tuning the processing systems that will give you high-quality, fully validated data from July 1993.
All the researchers selected by Nasa and Cnes-over 200 Principal Investigators and co-Investigators, from nine countries-have received processed data on CD-Roms. From July, Topex/Poseidon data will be available to the whole scientific community. If you're interested, check the points of contact at the back of the Newsletter.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Sophie Coutin-Faye - CNES

Editor: Sophie Coutin-Faye
Editorial board: Pierrette Boudou, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Michel Lefebvre and Patrick Vincent.
Others contributors: Claude Brossier, Pierre Femenias, François Nouel, Yves Ménard, Jean-François Minster, Jean-Marc Molines, Marc Naeije, Christian Le Provost, Pierre Queffeulou, Remko Scharroo, Jacques Stum, Karel Wakker, Edwin Wisse, Ouan-Zan Zanife
English adaptation: Nigel Greenwood
Design: Pixeline