Product Qualification

SWIM CFOSAT Cyclic validation reports

SWIM products quality is monitored through cyclic validation reports. They gather results of systematic diagnosis performed on every products of each CFOSAT orbital cycle.

  • SWIM CaSyS cyclic synthetic reports:
    These reports contain the major features that characterize the quality of SWIM/CFOSAT data. It is released on a cyclic basis.The main goals of the document are: to report any changes in software and data processing; to present the main instrumental parameters; to provide insights on data quality and coverage
    These reports are available here 

SWIM CFOSAT validation reports

The SWIM Calval Report document provides users with a summary of the CAL/VAL work carried out until summer 2019 on the instrument and the products. It gives the performance and the limitations of the SWIM products made available at the date of 19 February 2020 (including data from July 2019).  

Several upgrades were performed after this report redaction. Here are describes of the main evolutions.