Indicator products

Indicators of the ocean health and dynamics, and/or climate indexes


  • El Niño bulletin

    Monitoring of El Niño by altimetry

  • Mean Sea Level

    The global mean level of the oceans is one of the most important indicators of climate change. It incorporates the reactions from several different components of the climate system. Precise monitoring of changes in the mean level of the oceans, particularly through the use of altimetry satellites, is vitally important, for understanding not just the climate but also the socioeconomic consequences of any rise in sea level.

  • Kuroshio

    The Kuroshio Extension is characterized by a strong variability. This variability results in two rather different states of the Kuroshio Extension: an "elongated state" vs a "contracted state". An indicator based on the high-frequency eddy kinetic energy (EKE) well checks these Kuroshio Extension states.

  • Ocean Heat Content and Earth Energy Imbalance

    The OHC is estimated from the measurement of the thermal expansion of the ocean based on differences between the total sea-level content derived from altimetry measurements and the mass content derived from gravimetry data, noted “altimetry-gravimetry”.

  • Barystatic and manometric sea level changes from satellite geodesy
  • Ionian Sea circulation