Value-added products
Several kinds of value-added products are proposed to the users:
Simulated Level-2 ODYSEA dataset
- Level-2 ODYSEA-like simulated current observations are provided along with interpolated wind and current data from the MITgcm LLC2160-C1440 model.
Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) - fronts product
- Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) - fronts product delivers variables to monitor the position of the three main fronts of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) - the Polar Front, and the northern and southern branches of the Subantarctic Front.
Segmented images of meteocean processes
- Segmented images of meteocean processes giving a thousand of manually annotated Sentinel-1 imagettes for learning applications
Finite size Lyapunov Exponents:
- Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated vectors have been computed within the SALP/Duacs project and thanks to a collaboration with LOcean and CTOH.
Eddy Atlases:
- Mesoscale Eddy Trajectory Atlas products have been developed and validated within the SALP/Duacs project in collaboration with D. Chelton and M. Schlax at the Oregon State University for version 2.0 DT and in collaboration with E. Mason (IMEDEA) for other versions.
- Mediterranean 3D Eddies Atlas product has been developed in the frame of the DYNED project.
Sargassum detection products:
- Several Sargassum detection products are distributed. The products are computed with different sensors:
- ABI on GOES-16 satellite,
- OLCI on Sentinel-3A&B satellites,
- Composite of MSI on Sentinel-2A&B satellites and OLI on Landsat 8&9 satellites
- Composite of OLCI on Sentinel-3A&B satellites and MODIS on AQUA satellite
- MODIS on AQUA satellite