Value-added products

Several kinds of value-added products are proposed to the users:

Simulated Level-2 ODYSEA dataset

Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) - fronts product

Segmented images of meteocean processes

Finite size Lyapunov Exponents:

Eddy Atlases:

Sargassum detection products:

  • Several Sargassum detection products are distributed. The products are computed with different sensors:
    • ABI on GOES-16 satellite,
    • OLCI on Sentinel-3A&B satellites,
    • Composite of MSI on Sentinel-2A&B satellites and OLI on Landsat 8&9 satellites
    • Composite of OLCI on Sentinel-3A&B satellites and MODIS on AQUA satellite
    • MODIS on AQUA satellite