Wind/wave products

The wind/wave products are computed with:

  • altimeter data used to compute Significant Wave Heights (SWH) and wind velocity. Those parameters are obtained by analyzing the shape and intensity of the altimeter radar beam reflected from the sea surface (radar echo).
  • SWIM and SCAT measurements from the CFOSAT mission: added to the nadir measurement, these instruments are able to compute spectra from which are extracted several parameters.


Gridded Wind/Wave



gridded (1°x1°) significant wave height and wind speed modulus

Gridded SSALTO/DUACS experimental products including CFOSat for wave-current intercations studies


SSALTO/DUACS experimental products including CFOSat for wave-current intercations studies
gridded merged products of SLA and geostrophic velocities


Delayed time

Wave / Wind CFOSAT

Wave / wind CFOSAT products

Wave and wind parameters from SWIM and SCAT instruments products from CFOSAT mission in delayed-time, including reprocessed L2P nadir and off nadir per box homogeneous over the mission

Along-track SSALTO/DUACS experimental products including CFOSat for wave-current intercations studies

SSALTO/DUACS experimental products including CFOSat for wave-current intercations studies
along-track CFOSat products geostrophic velocities

Wave experimental products

Wave experimental products

Along-track significant wave height 5Hz

GDR nadir mission Wave/Wind



Nadir significant wave height and wind speed modulus


Near-real time

Wave / Wind CFOSAT


Wave / wind CFOSAT products

Wave and wind parameters from SWIM and SCAT instruments products from CFOSAT mission in near real time including L2P nadir and off nadir products

Nadir Wave L2P


L2P Wave products

Along-track significant wave height L2P products for Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B missions