Gridded Wind / Wave products

Contents: Near-real time significant wave height and wind speed modulus

Use: Marine meteorology, ocean-atmosphere gas transfer studies

Condition of access: products delivered for any purposes as stated in the licence agreement

Description : Gridded (1°x1°, regular grid) multimission product (more information on the processing)

Geographic coverage : Global

Format : NetCDF

Copyright : 2009-2019 Cnes-CLS


gridded nrt Wave products:

CMEMS dissemination
We inform all the users that the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service CMEMS is now in charge of the processing and distribution of the gridded (L4) NRT wave products. Indeed in the frame of the Transition AVISO+ to CMEMS, AVISO+ focuses on the distribution of innovative products whereas CMEMS is dedicated to the operational products and services.
Since July 2019, gridded L4 wave NRT products (called WAVE_GLO_WAV_L4_SWH_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_014_003) have been added to the CMEMS catalogue. 
Therefore the CMEMS catalogue disseminates Near-Real-Time gridded L4 wave products as well as two along-track L3 wave products (altimetry and spectral)
Compared to AVISO+, the CMEMS gridded L4 wave products on a 2°x2° grid are based on several up-to-date missions and benefit from an improved processing fully described in the CMEMS QUality Information Document: QUID
You will find the list of AVISO+ and CMEMS wave products in the document Migration AVISO+ to CMEMS and AVISO+ to C3S (section 8) and a brief overview of the differences between the two L4 NRT wave products and the reprocessing details in section 8
For the moment on CMEMS, only the NRT products are distributed beginning on July 2019. It is planned to disseminate a Delayed-time product on CMEMS by the beginning of 2021.
So the user is invited to register to CMEMS as soon as possible: the useful links to CMEMS are indicated in the  document Migration AVISO+ to CMEMS and AVISO+ to C3S.

AVISO+ dissemination
Thus, the production of the AVISO+ gridded L4 NRT wave products stopped on December 3 2019. A reprocessing of the time series (2009-2019) has been done and is now delivered on the services. The details of the processing is described here.

Gridded NRT Wind products:

CMEMS dissemination
Those products are not concerned for the moment by the CMEMS dissemination.

AVISO+ dissemination
The production stopped on December 3 2019.  A reprocessing of the time series (2013-2019) has been done and is now delivered on the services. The details of the processing is described here. 
All information also available in the document Migration AVISO+ to CMEMS and AVISO+ to C3S (section 9) 

Satellite Distribution media Frequency Data period Data used File weight
Merged wind FTP, TDS, Extraction tool, Live Access Service, please refer to your dedicated MY AVISO+ daily September 2013 - December 2019 see the processing details

140 KB (NetCDF)

Merged wave

Historical time series 2009-2019: FTP, TDS, Extraction tool, Live Access Service, please refer to your dedicated

September 2009 - December 2019
For NRT since July 2019: distribued by CMEMS and viewable via the Live Access Service July 2019 - ongoing Consult the Product User Manual (PUM) CMEMS -