Simulated Level-2 ODYSEA dataset

Types of dataset: 

DOI: 10.24400/527896/a01-2024.009  -  more metadata

Description: Level-2 ODYSEA-like simulated current observations are provided along with interpolated wind and current data from the MITgcm LLC2160-C1440 model.

Citation: The simulated Level-2 ODYSEA product was produced by OceanDataLab and distributed by AVISO with the support of CNES. OceanDataLab. (2024). Level-2 ODYSEA simulated dataset (Version 1.0) [Data set]. CNES.

Condition of access : These products are delivered for any purposes as stated in the licence agreement

Geographic coverage: global

Format: NetCDF-4 Classic with CF standards.


Access to the data (with AVISO personal account (registration here)):

  • FTP:
  • SFTP: with port 2221

in the folder /odysea_l2_sim

Simulated Level-2 ODYSEA dataset

Satellite Area Type Authenticated access service Data period Periodicity File weight
ODYSEA global level-2 The users can directly access to the data with their
AVISO personal account (registration here)
1 pass per file <70 MB per file