Bay of Fundy tides seen by the FES2022 model

Image of the Month - July 2024

Tides are one of the most noticeable sea level variation phenomena. More so in some areas than in others, and especially more impressive on the Atlantic ocean coasts. 
The Bay of Fundy in eastern Canada is known to be the place with the highest tidal amplitude on Earth. The shape of the coast, the bathymetry are involved, in addition to Moon and Sun attractions. Tidal models need all those information to forecast the amplitude and schedule of tides with accuracy. 

In the open ocean, altimeters have enabled tide estimation from the beginning of the technique. Several generations of tidal models have now been released with improved accuracy in part thanks to the sea surface heights measurements from the different missions (and in particular the non-sunsynchronous ones): the long altimeter time-series now available, and the more numerous altimeters have allowed estimating smaller constituents like non-linear tides in shallow waters, long-period components and give access to polar ocean tides too. The last release of FES tidal solution, FES2022b, is now available and shows a great improvement compared to previous FES2014 version. 

Swot is providing high resolution sea surface heights in the coastal areas and in polar seas, where tide signal is more complex. This should enable to make a new step in tides' knowledge.

See also:


  • Carrere L., F. Lyard , M. Cancet , D. Allain , E. Fouchet , M. Dabat , M. Tchilibou , R. Ferrari , Y. Faugère, A new barotropic tide model for global ocean: FES2022, OSTST meeting, November 2022, Venice, Italy,
  • Florent H. Lyard, Loren Carrere, Ergane Fouchet, Mathilde Cancet, David Greenberg, Gérald Dibarboure and Nicolas Picot: “FES2022 a step towards a SWOT-compliant tidal correction”, in preparation, to be submitted to Ocean Sciences