Black Sea forecasting
Image of the month - October 2003

The Black Sea is an almost-closed sea which is only connected to the world ocean by a chain of narrow straits. Bordered by countries with intensive agriculture and several harbours without (or with very limited) waste water treatment facilities, the Black Sea's marine environment is threatened. Several international programs have been raising public awareness of this Sea, to try and mitigate the effects of water pollution.
Rather cloudy skies limit the availability of sea surface temperature and ocean colour data. Altimeter measurements provide excellent data for operational nowcasting and forecasting of the basin-scale circulation of the Black Sea.
Near-real time simulations of the Black Sea surface circulation, obtained by assimilation of Ssalto/Duacs data. Comparison with in situ data show reasonable consistency with those simulations. (Credits Marine Hydrophysical Institute NAS Ukraine, with partial support of Science and Technology Center in Ukraine)
See also:
- Applications: Operational applications
- Data: Data Unification and Altimeter Combination System (Duacs)
Websites on this subject:
- Korotaev, G., T. Oguz, A. Nikiforov and C. Koblinsky, 2003: Seasonal, interannual, and mesoscale variability of the Black Sea upper layer circulation derived from altimetry data, J. Geophys. Res, 108, C4, 19-1 to 15
- Korotaev, G., O.A. Saenko and C.J. Koblinsky, 2001: Satellite altimetry observations of the Black Sea level, J. Geophys. Res, 106, C1, 917-933