Merging of altimetry data: proofs from other measurements
Image of the month - January 2006

The utility of merging together the data from several altimetry satellites can be demonstrated using altimetry data only. Such an interest can also be shown by comparing the altimetry merged datasets with other, independent kinds of data, like sea surface temperature, or in situ measurements.
Data merging from several altimetry satellites allows to observe finer details in ocean features, like eddies, which are of a major importance for many altimetry applications today.

See also:
- Data: Ssalto/Duacs Products (Data Unification and Altimeter Combination System)
- Altimetry : High-precision altimetry with satellites working together
- Image of the Month, september 2004 : Four satellites to watch over the Mediterranean
- Pascual, A., M-I Pujol, G. Larnicol, P-Y Le Traon, M-H Rio, 2005: Mesoscale Mapping Capabilities of Multisatellite Altimeter Missions: First Results with Real Data in the Mediterranean Sea. J. Mar. Sys. (in press)
- Pascual, A., Y. Faugère, G. Larnicol, P-Y Le Traon, 2006: Improved description of the ocean mesoscale variability by combining four satellite altimeters. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L02611, doi:10.1029/2005GL024633