OSTST 2012 Posters

Here are some posters made for the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team 2012 meeting.

Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record

P. Bonnefond et al.Corsica: a multi-mission absolute calibration site pdf (14 MB)
M. Cancet  et al.Regional CALVAL method in Corsica: validation of the Jason-1, Jason-2 and Envisat missions at non-dedicated sitespdf (1 MB)
S. Calmant et al.Altimetry biases in the Amazon Basin: the concern of retracking aglorithms for non-onceanic calval sites pdf (1.5 MB)
D. Dettmering et al.Multi-Mission Crossover Analysis: Merging 20 years of altimeter data into one consistent long-term data recordpdf (2 MB)
S. Labroue et al.Quality assessment of Cryosat-2 data over oceanpdf (5.6 MB)
D. Masters et al.Improving the Sea Level Data Record for Studying Climate Variabilitypdf (3 MB)
S. A Melachroinos et al.The effect of geocenter motion on Jason-2 orbits and the mean sea levelpdf (4.2 MB)
E.C.Pavlis et al.Altimeter Calibration and Tectonics Inference Oceanographic Network (ACTION): From OSTM to SWOTpdf (3 MB)
S. Philipps et al.Global Jason-2 data analysis of reprocessed Gdr-D Products pdf (3.7 MB)
L. Testut et al.CAL/VAL at Kerguelen Islandpdf (2 MB)
G. Valladeau et al.Quality assessement of altimeter and tide gauge data for Mean Sea Level and climate studiespdf (286 KB)
C. Watson et al.Assessing Altimeter Bias Driftpdf (3.6 MB)

Quantifying Errors and Uncertainties in Altimetry Data

F. Birol et al.Using high rate altimeter measurements for coastal studies: example in th NW Mediterranean Sea.

pdf (2 MB)

E. Cosme et al.Accounting for Spatial Error Correlations in Altimetric Data Assimilationpdf (1 MB)
A. Horvath et al.Error Budget analysis of a mean Dynamic Topography pdf (715 KM)
S. Philipps et al.Jason-2 global error budget for time scales lower than 10 dayspdf (1.9 MB)

The Geoid, Mean Sea Surfaces and Mean Dynamic topography

A. Albertella et al.Mean Dynamic Topography from GOCEpdf (1.3 MB)
T. Janjic et al.Dynamical ocean topography from satellite measurements and its impact on Southern Ocean circulation estimatespdf (1.4 MB)
J.M. Sanchez-Reales et al.Anisotropic filtering to improve the geodetic determination of the Surface Geostrophic Currents: Edge Enhancing Diffusion pdf (3.4 MB)
J.M. Sanchez-Reales et al.Ocean geostrophy from Satellite Alitmetry and GOCE Datapdf (5.3 MB)

Instrument Processing

L. Amarouche et al.Improvement of inland water areas altimeter height estimation using new retracking techniquespdf (686 KB)
L. Amarouche et al.Altimeter Mission end-to-end simulators to assess global performance and develop new algorithms for future missionspdf (1.1 MB)
S. Brown et al.Development of 20-year Climate Quality Wet tropospheric Correction from Altimeter Radiometerspdf (2.2 MB)
P. Callahan et al.Reprocessing TOPEX for the Climate Recordpdf (600 KB)
P. Cipollini et al.A multi-peak waveform retracker for coastal altimetrypdf (906 KB)
L. Fenoglio et al.A study on the conformance of altimetry and in-situ surface data near coastpdf (3.8 MB)
S.Misra et al.Development of an Enhanced Geophysical Data Record for the TOPEX mission: Analysis of TMR data flagspdf (405 Ko)
F. Nino et al.Radar waveform inversionpdf (320 Ko)
E. Obligis et al.A Specific Coastal Wet Tropospheric Correction for the Envisat mission pdf (3.6 MB)
C. Roesler et al.Finding sources of Sigma0 variation in satellite altimetry by comparison with HF radar, sea surface temperature and ocean colorpdf (2.1 MB)
S. Thao et al.Trend and Variability of the Atmospheric Water Vapor: a Mean Sea Level issuepdf (1.6 MB)
K.-H. Tseng et al.Retracking contaminated Altimetry Waveforms over Coastal and Inland Lake Regionspdf (7.4 MB)
A. Uematsu et al.X-band interferometric SAR sensor for the Japanese altimetry mission and aircraft experimentpdf (627 KB)

Near-Real Time Products and Applications

Y. Andres et al.Jason-2 GPS based OGDR productspdf (1.6 MB)
C. Birkett et al.The Near Real Time Global Reservoir and Lake Monitorpdf (5.2 MB)
J. Figa Saldana et al.Near Real Time Jason-2 Product Operationspdf (268 KB)
J.M.Lefèvre et al.Contribution of the SARAL/Altika Mission to Sea-State Analysis and Prediction at mesoscale and in Coastal Zonespdf (1 MB)
N. Maximenko et al.Monitorine marine debris from the March 11, 2011 tsunami in Japan with the diagnostic model of surface currentspdf (283 KB)
M. Pujol et al.Ssalto/Duacs: Towards regional productspdf (1.9 MB)
M. Pujol et al.A Kerguelen regional Sea Level product to support the KEOPS2 experimentpdf (2.3 MB)
Y. Quilfen et al.Observatory and Research on extreme PHenomena over the Oceans (ORPHEO)pdf (2.3 MB)


S.Arnault et al.Investigation of the interannual variability of the tropical Atlantic Ocean from satellite datapdf (1.3 MB)
V. Ballu et al.Using radar altimetry, combined with bottom pressure data, to measure underwater vertical movementspdf (7.1 MB)
P. Brasseur et al.Toward the next generation of Altimeter Data Assimilation for Physical Ocean and Marine Ecosystem Monitoring and Predictionpdf (758 KB)
V. Daher et al.Tide constituents extraction by harmonic analysis using altimetric satellite data in the Brazilian Northern Coastpdf (400 KB)
F. D'Ovidio et al.Guiding biochemical campaigns with high resolution altimetry: waiting for the SWOT missionpdf (2.3 MB)
L. Fenoglio et al.Decadal Variability of Net Water Flux at the Mediterranean Sea Gibraltar Straitpdf (278 KB)
L. Fenoglio et al.Sea Level Trends Around Indonesia from Altimetry and Tide Gauge Datapdf (3.5 MB)
O. Isoguchi et al.Preliminary studies on empirical roll angle error reduction and tidal detection for the Japanese altimetry missionpdf (1.30 MB)
T. Kuragano et al.Altimeter's Effect on Global Ocean heat Content and Mean Surface Dynamic Height Analyzed by MRI Global Ocean Data Assimilation Systempdf (348 KB)
T. Kobayashi et al.Feasibility Study of the Satellite System for the Japanese Future Alitmetry Mission pdf (1 MB)
R. R. Leben et al.A 34-Year Record of Loop Current Eddy Separation Eventspdf (11 MB)
N. Maximenko et al.Beta-plumes and origin of striated patterns in the oceanpdf (406 KB)
H. Nakayama et al.Current status of the Japanese Altimetry Missionpdf (1.1 MB)
A. Pascual et al.Recent advances on mesoscale variability in the Western Mediterranean: complementarity between altimetry and other sensorspdf (4.4 MB)
T. Penduff et al.Extreme events and statisctical structure of sea-level variability: AVISO vs multi-resolution DRAKKAR simualtions pdf (8.5 MB)
C. Piecuch et al.On the nature of buoyancy-driven interannual tropical sea level changes pdf (2.8 MB)
G. Quartly et al.Accuracy requirements for detecting changing trends in Sea Level pdf (11 MB)
H.Sasaki et al.SSH wavenumber spectra in the North Pacific from a high-resolution realistic simulationpdf (3 MB)
Y. T. Song et al.Unexpected Contributions of Satellite Radar Altimetry to Tsunami Research

pdf (930 KB)

R. Tailleux et al.Rossby wave theories: Where do we stand?pdf (2.8 MB)
L. Thompson et al.Seasonal Coupling in the Gulf Stream Region between the Atmosphere and the Ocean pdf (827  KB)
L. Trenary et al.Remote and local forcing of decadal sea level and thermocline depth variability in the south Indian Oceanpdf (10.78 MB)
A. Uematsu et al.X-band interferometric SAR sensor for the Japanese altimetry mission and aircraft experimentpdf (627 KB)
D. Volkov et al.Large scale Interannual Variability of Sea Level and Water Mass Properties in the Southeast pacific in 1993-2011pdf (4.4 MB)
M. Wenzel et al.Reconstruction of global sea level variations from tide gauges and altimetry pdf (1.6 MB)
J. Zhang et al.Contributions to Large-scale Sea Level Changes in the North Atlantic Oceanpdf (3.8 MB)
E. D. Zaron et al.the Wavenumber Spectrum of SSH in the Caribbean Seapdf (826 KB)

Outreach, Education & Altimetric Data Services

V. Byfield et al.LearnEO ! Learn Earth Observation with ESApdf (6.4 MB)
R. Morrow et al.CTOH: 20 years of Atimetry Data Servicepdf (9.4 MB)
M. Pujol et al.Ssalto/Duacs: Preparation of the next products versionpdf (1.7 MB)
V. Rosmorduc et al.AVISO Online Data Extraction Service: a new way of disseminating altimetry datapdf (3 MB)
M. Srinivasan et al.Reaching Operational Users ? A JPL/CCAR collaborationpdf (1.4 MB)

Precise Orbit Determination

R. Biancale et al.On the proper use of the EIGEN-6 models for altimetric orbit computation over decadespdf (0.5 KB)
D. Dettmering et al.Evaluation of new precise orbits of Envisat, ERS-1 and ERS-2 using altimetrypdf  (2.2 KB)
N. P. Zelensky et al.Improved Modeling of Time Variable Gravity for Altimeter Satellite PODpdf (3.2 KB)

Tides, internal tides and high-frequency processes

K. J. Quinn et al.How well can we estimate high frequency non-tidal ocean variability for de-aliasing pourposes ?pdf (526 KB)