CFOSAT SWIM Ice products
Types of dataset: Ice products
The SWIM L1A product contains the probability of Ice and the Sea Ice concentration detected from each beam of the instrument (see SWIM instrument on CFOSAT).
The SWIM L2 product contains the variable sea ice probability averaged over the swath.
The SWIM L2G product is a daily product which groups together all ICEL2 ice detection data for a given day, aggregated on a global regular grid.
Use: Climate, cryosphere, ...
Description: SWIM ICE products provide sea ice detection, sea ice probabilities indicators that can be used either to improve SWIM data assimilation or to take benefits of the CFOSAT polar coverage to complement other sea-ice information sources... The principle of SWIM ICE algorithm is explained in details in Peureux et al. 2022. The method is based on a Bayesian method to estimate the probability of sea ice presence by comparison to backscatter radar references in sea ice and open water conditions. The signature of both open water and sea-ice radar backscatter is parameterized into Geophysical Model Function (GMF) computed from SWIM L2 mini-profiles products. A sea ice flag is activated when the probability of sea ice presence exceeds 0.5.
Tool: User handbook
Geographic coverage: Global
Distribution media: Authenticated FTP or SFTP (L1A: 90 days of latest data, all L2 and L2G), Thredds Data Server (TDS) (L1A: 90 days of latest data, all L2 and L2G)
Condition of access: These are standard products as stated in the licence agreement. Please see our FAQ to access this product (distinction if you are already an Aviso+ user or not).
Citation: When using the CFOSAT SWIM Ice products, please cite: "CFOSAT SWIM Ice products were processed by CNES and distributed by AVISO+ ( with support from CNES”
Copyright: 2019-ongoing Cnes-CLS
Peureux, C., Longépé, N., Mouche, A., Tison, C., Tourain, C., Lachiver, J.-M., & Hauser, D. (2022). Sea-ice detection from near-nadir Ku-band echoes from CFOSAT/SWIM scatterometer. Earth and Space Science, 9, e2021EA002046.
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CFOSAT SWIM Ice products
Products | Authenticated access service | Data period | format | File weight |
SWIM Ice L1A | The last 90 days are available via your personal space: MY AVISO+ and select the product "CFOSAT SWIM Ice products" (dedicated credentials are necessary, please fill the form on the registration form) | Last 90 days | NetCDF4 | < 600 Mb |
SWIM Ice L2 | Available via your personal space: MY AVISO+ and select the product "CFOSAT SWIM Ice products" (dedicated credentials are necessary, please fill the form on the registration form) | 2019/01/01 - ongoing | < 10 Mb | |
SWIM ICE L2G | < 0.4 Mb |