Mean Sea Level with altimetry data

Altimetry measures the distance between satellite and sea surface. This distance minus the satellite position gives the "sea surface height" (see Altimetry How it works?). However, numerous perturbations have to be taken into account, and corrections need to be subtracted to take into account various physical phenomena:

  • propagation corrections: the altimeter radar wave is perturbated during atmosphere crossing
    • ionospheric correction
    • wet tropospheric correction
    • dry trosphospheric correction
  • ocean surface correction for the sea state which directly affects the radar wave: electromagnetic bias.
  • geophysical corrections for the tides (ocean, solid earth, polar tides, loading effects)
  • atmospheric corrections for the ocean's response to atmospheric dynamics: inverse barometer correction (low frequency), atmospheric dynamics correction (high frequency).

In addition, SSH is calculated for each altimetric measurement considered as valid according to the criteria (per threshold, per spline, per statistic on the ground track) applied either to the main altimetric parameters, the geophysical corrections or the SSH directly. These criteria may vary from one mission to the next depending on the altimeters' characteristics. For more information on how they are defined, refer to the Cal/Val validation reports for each satellite's relative cycle (for Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1/2/3, Envisat, Saral/AltiKa), for Sentinel-6MF or for Copernicus Sentinel-3A.


Instrumental processing ang geophysical corrections

To ensure the homogeneity of the long-term climate data record, a set of reprocessed data and state-of-the-art geophysical corrections are used to compute the Mean Sea Level data products distributed on AVISO. This homogenization is key to obtain accurate and stable climate data records. Tables below summarize the content of the L2P along-track AVISO products that are used to compute the Mean Sea Level products.

Reference and auxiliary missions

Please refer to the L2P handbooks:

Computation of the Global Mean Sea Level timeseries

Time series for each mission

For any missions, i.e., reference or auxiliary, the GMSL timeseries are derived based on the respective Sea Level Anomaly (SLA) quantity. This along-track variable is first average by area of 1x3 degrees of latitude by longitude, respectively, over periods of about 10 days, i.e., corresponding to the reference missions' cycle length. Second, a global weighted mean of all areas is performed to consider their respective physical spatial coverage of the ocean. In practice, the weights are proportional to the latitude of the areas and the percentage of land/ocean covered. Such computation is performed for all available 10 days periods over the respective mission lifetime to obtain the full GMSL records.

Intermission biases

The reference GMSL has been monitored by successive missions since 1993. i.e., TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, Jason-2, Jason-3 and Sentinel-6 MF. To ensure the accuracy of the long-term sea level estimates, calibration phases between successive missions (called tandem phases) are performed to estimate their relative measurements biases (see Zawadzki et al. 2016). These biases are computed as the mean difference of the GMSL measurements between the two successive missions while they fly in tandem, such that:

Corrected MSL (New Mission) = MSL (Former mission) - bias (New Mission, Former Mission)

  TopEx / Jason-1 Jason-1 / Jason-2 Jason-2 / Jason-3 Jason-3 / Sentinel-6MF
GMSL biases [cm] 1.16 0.23 -2.97 -0.21
GMSL biases of the reference missions used to compute the GMSL reference timeseries

These biases are applied on the respective GMSL timeseries of the reference mission to compute the climate data record available on the Product access.

Trends computation

Trends and associated uncertainty estimates are computed from the 2-months low-pass filtered data, after having removed the seasonal signals. Such computation is performed with an Ordinary Least Square (OLS) approach as described in Ablain et al. (2019).

Regional Sea Level maps

The regional map of the MSL trends are estimated using SLA grids for each cycle and each missions as defined above for the time series. The regional slopes are estimated using the least squares method at each grid point after adjusting the periodic signals (annual and semi-annual).

The reference gridded Mean Sea Level trend map is derive using the same approach based on the DUACS data that combined reference and auxiliary data. Auxiliary missions, such as ERS and Envisat, allow to estimate regional MSL at latitude higher than 66° that are not observed by the reference missions. See the ATBD for more details on the data processing.

Taking into consideration variations in the geoid

MSL measured using altimetry incorporates variations in the geoid. However, these interannual or long-term variations directly affect the estimate of the MSL slope and must therefore be corrected. Regional estimates of these variations are currently available owing to the GRACE mission, although only since 2002. They cannot therefore be used to calculate regional and global MSL slopes for the entire altimetric period. Consequently, the results described here only take into account the global impact of the postglacial rebound (glacial isostatic adjustment, or GIA) which is ultimately just one of the contributing factors to geoid variations. The GIA correction is only applied to the global MSL time series, and has been estimated as approximately -0.3 mm/year [Peltier, 2006] . The global MSL slope is therefore higher after this correction has been applied.

Corrections & models references

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