OSTST 2008 meeting posters

Here are some posters made for the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team 2008 meeting.

Local and global calibration/validation (mostly in situ)

N. Barré et al.

Mesoscale activity in Drake Passage: satellite and in situ data comparison

pdf (2 Mo)
P. Bonnefond et al.Absolute calibration of Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1 and Jason-2 altimeters in Corsica.pdf (3 Mo)
L. Fenoglio-Marc et al.Comparison of improved altimeter coastal sea surface heights to tide gauge data.pdf (500 Ko)
B. Haines et al.The Harvest Experiment: Calibration of the 16-yr Climate Record from Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1 and OSTM/Jason-2pdf (2.42 Mo)
R. Mamedov et al.

Recent developments in Cal/Val activities suporting satellite altimetry in the Caspian Sea.

pdf (850 Ko)
J.J. Martinez-Benjamin et al.

CGPS at Ibiza, L'Estartit and Barcelona harbours for sea-level monitoring and altimeter calibration.

pdf (300 Ko)
S.P. Mertikas et al.

Recent results for the estimation of the altimeter bias for the Jason satellites using Gavdos

pdf (3 Mo)
A. Pascual et al.Performing Glider missions along altimeter tracks: what can we learn ?pdf (314 Ko)
E. Pavlis

Results from the Eastern Mediterranean altimeter calibration network - eMACnet

pdf (1 Mo)
G. Valladeau et al.

Assessment of global mean sea level from altimeters cross-calibration with in-situ measurements (Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1 and Envisat).

pdf (2 Mo)
J. Zhang et al.

Bass Strait in situ calibration site: trials of the French Transportable Laser Ranging System (FTLRS)

pdf (300 Ko)


M. Ablain et al.

Assessment of JASON-2 orbit quality using SSH cross-calibration with Jason-1 and Envisat

pdf (370 Ko)
Y. Andres et al.


pdf (630 Ko)
F. Barthelmes et al.ICGEM - The International Centre for Global Earth Modelspdf (10.77 Mo)
W. Bertiger et al.Jason-2 Precision Orbit Determination Statuspdf (2.65 Mo)
L. Cerri et al.

GDR-C standards for Jason-1 precise orbits.

pdf (770 Ko)
C. Jayles et al.

DORIS / Jason-2: less than 10cm centimeters orbits soon available for Near-Real-Time Altimetry.

pdf (100 Ko)
D. Laurichesse et al.

Zero-difference ambiguity fixing for spaceborne GPS receivers.

pdf (530 Ko)
F. G. Lemoine et alCalibration and Validation of the Precise Orbits for OSTM - Extending the TOPEX, Jason-1 and Jason-2 Climate Data Record for MSL Studiespdf (1020 Ko)
Flavien. Mercier et al.Doris phase mesurements, rinex formatpdf (470 Ko)
Flavien Mercier et al.GPS processing for Jason-2.pdf (1 Mo)
N. Zelensky et al.Sub-centimeter SLR precision with the SLRF2005/LPOD2005 networkpdf (504 Ko)

Local and global calibration/validation (mostly global)

M.Ablain et al.

Jason-2 and Jason-1 SLA Performances and Consistency
pdf (270 Ko)
F. Birol et al.

Regional Cal/Val and altimetry activities at the CTOH.

pdf (2 Mo)
E. Burrillon et al.

Consistency between OSTM/Jason-2 and Jason-1 data: results at Senetosa CalVal Site (Mediterranean Sea) and 2008 improvements on the CalVal processing software

pdf (2 Mo)
L. Commien et al.SSALTO Calval performance assessment Jason-1 GDR"C"/GDR "B" pdf (598 Ko)
S. Desai et al.

Global Cross Calibration and Validation of the Jason-1 and Jason-2/OSTM Data Products.

pdf (900 Ko)
D. Dettmering et al.

Multi-Mission Crossover Calibration: First Results for Jason-2.

pdf (1 Mo)
Y. Faugere et al.

Jason-1 / Envisat Cross-calibration.

pdf (1 Mo)
D. Griffin et al.

Report on use of Jason-2 IGDR in the Australian Multi-Mission Sea Level Analysis System

pdf (250 Ko)
A. Ollivier et al.

Envisat / Jason-2 cross calibration.

pdf (1 Mo)
S. Philipps et al.

Global Statistical Jason-2 assessment and cross-calibration with Jason-1

pdf (270 Ko)

Instrument processing

H. Feng et al.

Developing a spline-based nonparametric estimator for the altimeter sea state bias (SSB) problem

pdf (400 Ko)
J. Hausman et al.

Sea State Bias in Satellite Radar Altimetry - Revisited.

pdf (900 Ko)
P. Naenna et al.Monte Carlo Simulation of Altimeter Pulse Returns and Electromagnetic Biaspdf (100 Ko)
G. Quartly

Jason-2 rain-flagging: Going back to basics

pdf (2 Mo)
R. Scharroo et al.

Method to decontaminate the radiometer wet tropospheric correction in coastal zones.

pdf (770 Ko)
R. Scharroo et al.

A new GPS-based climatology for the total electron content in the ionosphere

pdf (1 Mo)
W.H. Smith et al.

Target tracking, correlated noise, and precision in satellite altimetry

pdf (4.2 MB)
J. Tournadre et al.

Iceberg detection in open water by altimetry waveform analysis

pdf (1.2 Mo)
N. Tran et al.

Update on Jason-1 Sea State Bias Modeling from combination of Wave Model and Satellite Data

pdf (322 Ko)
N. Tran et al.

Validation of Envisat rain detection and rain rate estimates by comparing with TRMM data

pdf (147 Ko)
D. Vandemark et al.

Altimetry and operational wind-wave prediction - combined use to enhance both systems.

pdf (1 Mo)


V. Rosmorduc et al.Basic Radar Altimetry Toolboxpdf (1.6 MB)
V. Rosmorduc et al.Altimetry products: what do you want? (a questionnaire for defining new open-ocean altimetry products)pdf (1.7 MB)
M. Srinivasan et al.Sea Level from Space: an update on applications of Ocean Altimetry Datapdf (3.97 Mo)

Cal/Val: multi mission data consistency and seamless transition for the TOPEX-Jason series of products

B. Beckley et al.

Extending the Sea Surface Height Climate Data Record with OSTM Data

pdf (2 Mo)
Y. Faugere et al.

The SLOOP Project: preparing the new generation of altimetry products for open ocean.

pdf (5 Mo)
A. Lombard et al.Design of future altimeter missions: development and use of an end-to-end mission simulatorpdf (2.64 Mo)
I. Pujol et al.GFO contribution to multi-satellite applications and statistical performance assessmentpdf (295 Ko)
I. Pujol et al.Ready for Jason-2pdf (322 Ko)
V. Rosmorduc et al.Aviso products: select your choice!pdf (2 MB)
N. Steunou et al.

Ka-band altimeter for Altika/SARAL oceanography mission.

pdf (500 Ko)

Operational applications, coastal and inland waters, wind/waves and associated Cal/Val studies

S. Abdalla et al.Jason-2 wind and wave products: monitoring, validation and assimilation.pdf (520 Ko)
C. Birkett et al.The Application of Multiple Satellite Radar Altimetry Data Sets to Inland Surface Water Projectspdf (922 Ko)
F. Birol et al.Toward Coastal Altimetry Applicationspdf (731 Ko)
P. Bonnefond et al.FOAM: From Ocean to inland waters Altimetry Monitoring.pdf (1 Mo)
S. Desai et al.

Improving Sea Surface Height Measurements on the Jason-2/OSTM OGDRs Using Near-Real-Time GPS-Based Orbits

pdf (500 Ko)
J. Fernandes et al.The wet tropospheric correction for coastal altimetry based on GNSS path delay measurementspdf (3.29 Mo)
J. Høyer et al.Operational satellite altimetry in shelf and coastal seas.pdf (4.1 Mo)
J. Lillibridge et al.

Jason-2/OSTM Near Real-Time Product Validation at NOAA

pdf (7 Mo)
F. Mercier et al.Recent Improvements in the processing of Jason-2 altimetry products for Continental Waters (PISTACH Project)pdf (4.7 Mo)
F. Mercier et al.Improved Jason-2 altimetry products for Coastal Zones and Continental Waters (PISTACH Project)pdf (4.5 Mo)
Y. Quilfen et al.

Observatory and Research on extreme PHEnomena overOceans : ORPHEO

pdf (1 Mo)
L. Roblou et al.

On monitoring the coastal dynamics through an integrated approach (MARINA PROJECT).

pdf (1 Mo)
P.T. Strub et al.

Coastal Ocean Evaluations of Jason-1 & Jason-2: Preliminary Comparisons

pdf (8 Mo)
N. Tran et al.Sea-Ice and Snow facies classification from Envisat Datapdf (2.43 Mo)
D. Vandemark et al.

Altimetric Wave Products for NOAA/NCEP.

pdf (230 Ko)
S. Vignudelli et al.

ALTICORE: A  collaborative experience in exploring coastal altimetry in Mediterranean, Caspian, white and Barents Seas.

pdf (1 Mo)
L. Yang et al.

Analysis and Retracking Altimeter Coastal Sea Waveform in Chinese and Neighbouring Seas.

pdf (350 Ko)

Error budgets in altimetry data products

M. Ablain et al.

Error Estimation of the global and regional Mean Sea Level Trends from jason-1 and T/P altimetry data.
pdf (260 Ko)
A. Kaplan

Error in gridded sea surface height products

pdf (2 Mo)
J.F. Legeais et al.Towards a more accurate performance estimation of altimetrypdf (200 Ko)

HF aliasing/tides

W. Bosch et al.

EOT08a – Empirical Ocean Tide Analysis for Improving GRACE de-aliasing.

pdf (5 Mo)
G. Egbert et al.

Assimilation of Altimetry Data for Nonlinear Shallow Water Tides: quarter-diurnal tides of the Northwest European Shelf, and the Atlantic Ocean.

pdf (3 Mo)
R. Ponte et al.

Estimating rapid large-scale variability in sea level, with application to dealiasing of satellite missions.

pdf (1 Mo)
E. Zaron et al.

The Contribution of the Internal Tide to the Altimetry Error Budget.

pdf (1 Mo)

Multi-mission and operational applications

R. Leben et al.

Evaluation of multi-satellite mapping capabilities for operational mesoscale monitoring in the Gulf of Mexico.

pdf (13 Mo)
G. Louis et al.

Modeling the oceanic gravity field by a high resolution altimetric satellite mission.

pdf (1.5 Mo)

Ocean general circulation

W. Bosch et al.

Profile Approach for Estimating the Absolut Dynamic Ocean Topography.

pdf (6 Mo)
X. Deng et al.

The time series of the Leeuwin Current transport from satellite altimeter measurements.

pdf (170 Ko)
W. Han et al.

Interannual variability and decadal change of thermocline depth and upper-ocean heat content in the Indian Ocean.

pdf (5.8 MB)

A. Lecointre et al.North Atlantic variability from ocean simulations with and without in-situ/satellite data assimilation.pdf (2 Mo)
J.M. Lefèvre et al.Improving operational wave modelling from satellite measurementspdf (2.9 MB)
N. Maximenko et al.

Dynamic Study of Ocean Striations From Perspective of Satellite Altimetry.

pdf (440 Ko)
S. Melachroinos et al.High rate GPS positionning, Jason altimetry and marine gravimetry - Monitoring the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) through the Drake campains.pdf (2 MB)
O. Melnichenko et al.

Quasi stationary striations in basin-scale oceanic circulation: observations and model hindcast.

pdf (300 Ko)
D. Menemenlis et al.

ECCO2: High Resolution Global Ocean and Sea Ice Data Synthesis.

pdf (1 Mo)
T. Penduff et al.

DRAKKAR : Enhancing synergies between satellite, in-situ, and numerical oceanography

pdf (5 MB)
B. Qiu et al.Eddy-Mean Flow Interaction in the Decadally-Modulatin Bimodal Kuroshio Extension System pdf (1.86 Mo)
J. Saynisch et al.Assimilation of Earth Rotation Parameters to determine ocean mass change.pdf (500 Ko)
Y.T. Song et al.

Strait and Inter-Ocean Transport Estimation Using Altimetry SSH and Gravimetry OBP.

pdf (230 Ko)L. Testut
L. Testut et al.

Long Term Trend Components in Sea Level from Tide Gauge and Satellite Altimetry Records.

pdf (330 Ko)
V. Zlotnicki et al.

Altimeter data and ECCO2 ocean state estimates to study Antarctic Circumpolar Current Fronts and formation of Antarctic Intermediate Water.

pdf (3 Mo)

Ocean mesoscale processes

F.J. Beron-Vera et al.

Oceanic mesoscale eddies as revealed by Lagrangian coherent structures.

pdf (4 Mo)
D.B. Chelton et al.An Investigation of Global Mesoscale variability
pdf (4.3 MB)
F. D'Ovidio et al.

A climatology of surface filaments derived from altimetry

pdf (4 Mo)
K. Matthew et al.

Examining the Wind Forced Velocity Structure of the California Current System using Observations derived from Satellite Remote sensing

pdf 2.65 Mo)
R. Morrow et al.

Southern Ocean eddies & their role in ocean mixing.

pdf (1 Mo)
J.B. Sallee et al.

An estimate of Lagragian eddy statistics and diffusion in the mixed layer of the Southern Ocean.

pdf (3 Mo)
W. Smith  et al.Mesoscale Height Anomalies can be observed equally well from repeat and non-repeat orbitspdf (801 Ko)
J. Verron

SARAL/AltiKa: a Ka-band altimetry satellite in tandem with JASON-2.

pdf (2 Mo)

Basin and global scale variabilities

J. Carton et al.

Heat Content of the Global Upper Ocean During the Past Half Century

pdf (1 Mo)
J. Carton et al.

Shallow Stratification of the Northern Oceans: An Evaluation of the Nine Analyses

pdf (420 Ko)
L. Gourdeau et al.Transport anomalies through the Solomon Sea and their Warm Water Volume in the western equatorial Pacific at the ENSO time scale: An altimetric studypdf (932 Ko)
S. Hakkinen et al.

Shifting surface currents in the northern North Atlantic Ocean.

pdf (370 Ko)
B. Hamlington et al.

Using Empirical Mode Decomposition to calculate patterns of global sea level change

pdf (1 Mo)
G. Lagerloef et al.

Upper ocean dynamics related to the Pacifi Decadal Oscillation using altimeter derived velocity fields.

pdf (600 Ko)
A. Lazar et al.Equatorial and Coastal Kelvin Waves in the Tropical Atlantic with Altimetrypdf (5.10 Mo)
A. Maharaj et al.An Assessment of Multiple Westward Propagating Signals in South Pacific Sea Level Anomaliespdf (1.04 Mo)
R. Ponte et al.

Decadal variability in regional and global mean sea level and its causes.

pdf (6 Mo)
N. Schneider et al.

North Pacific Gyre Oscillation

pdf (800 Ko)
R. Tailleux et al.

Observation, theory, and modelling of westward propagation in the oceans.

pdf (500 Ko)
I. Vigo et al.

Steric and mass-induced variations in the Medierranean Sea, revisited.

pdf (2 Mo)
F. Vivier et al.

Dynamics of sea-surface temperature anomalies in the Southern Ocean diagnosed from a 2D mixed-layer model.

pdf (1 Mo)
M. Wenzel et al.

Reconstruction of regional mean sea level anomalies from tide gauges using the neural network approach.

pdf (1 Mo)
J. Willis et al.Toward Closing the sea Level Budget on Regional to Global scalespdf (231 Ko)

Coastal processes

K. Ichikawa et al.

Cross-Kuroshio Surface Transport as seen by Surface Drifters and Altimeters

pdf (3 Mo)
G. Herbert et al.

Signature of Coastal Dynamical Processes in Satellite Altimetry.

pdf (870 Ko)
A.C. Peter et al.Thermal and biological impacts of the coastal waves in the African upwelling areas at intraseasonal time scalepdf (810 Ko)
M.H. Radenac et al.Oceanic response to Northwest monsoon winds north of New Guineapdf (540 Ko)
P.T. Strub et al.

Interactions between coastal and offshore circulation.

pdf (4 Mo)
J. Wilkin et al.

Improving coastal circulation analysis and prediction through refined altimeter data processing and variational data assimilation into a regional ocean model.

pdf (640 Ko)