Aviso global sea surface height products

Aviso has been distributing Topex/Poseidon and ERS altimetric data worldwide since 1992. Since launches of new altimetric mission, series of products has been completing the Aviso catalogue. Following table presents applications, features and time availability of all available products obtained by satellite or combining available data of all satellites.

The Copernicus Marine and Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) is in charge of the processing and distribution of Ssalto/Duacs gridded "allsat" series and along-track Sea Level Anomalies, Absolute Dynamic Topographies and Geostrophic velocities over the Global Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, European Seas and Acrtic Ocean areas, in Delayed-Time and in Near-Real-Time .
The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) is in charge  
of the processing and distribution of Ssalto/Duacs gridded Delayed-time "twosat" series of Sea Level Anomalies, Absolute Dynamic Topographies and Geostrophic velocities over the Global Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea. 
All those products were formerly distributed by Aviso+ with no changes in the scientific content.
Note that the Mozambique area and the Climatologies are still disseminated by Aviso+. 

Swot products

Swot products  

SWOT L3 Ocean products

Contents: The SWOT_L3_SSH product provides ocean topography measurements obtained from the SWOT KaRIn and nadir altimeter instruments
Use: SWOT_L3_SSH is a cross-calibrated product from multiple missions that contains only the ocean topography content necessary for thematic research (e.g., oceanography, geodesy) and related applications.



SWOT KaRIn Low Rate Ocean products

Contents: The L2_LR_SSH product provides measurements over ocean surfaces from the low rate (LR) data stream of the SWOT KaRIn instrument. 
Use: high resolution global ocean altimetry, coastal currents and processes, oceanic mesoscale and sub-mesoscale processes, ocean bathymetry.





Swot simulated products

Contents: Simulated SWOT Sea Surface Height products KaRIn and Nadir.
Use: geophysical studies, oceanography, may be of limited use over other surfaces. Studies performing simulation measurements.


Gridded products

Gridded products

Gridded SSALTO/DUACS experimental products including CFOSat for wave-current intercations studies

gridded merged products of SLA and geostrophic velocities

SSALTO/DUACS experimental products including CFOSat for wave-current intercations studies

Ssalto/Duacs experimental products: velocities combining altimetry and SST

Contents: Gridded optimally merged velocities combining altimetry and SST. It is part of a group of experimental products. Available in delayed time for the year 2015.
Use: ocean variability

-SSALTO/Duacs experimental

Ssalto/Duacs experimental products: Sea Level heights computed with Multiscale Interpolation

Contents: Gridded sea level heights and derived variables computed with Multiscale Interpolation. It is part of a group of experimental products. Available in delayed time for the year 2017.
Use: ocean variability

-SSALTO/Duacs experimental

Ssalto/Duacs experimental products: Sea Level heights computed with Multiscale Interpolation combining altimetry and drifters

Contents: Gridded sea level heights and derived variables computed with Multiscale Interpolation combining altimetry and drifters. It is part of a group of experimental products. Available in delayed time for the years 2016 to 2020.
Use: ocean variability

-SSALTO/Duacs experimental

Ssalto/Duacs Sea Level Anomaly, Absolute Dynamic Topography, geostrophic currents (anomalies and absolute) (1/4°x1/4° on a Cartesian grid)

Condition of access : 
The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) is in charge of the processing and distribution of the Sea Level Anomaly, Absolute Dynamic Topography Heights and Geostrophic Velocities in near-real-time product and the Sea Level Anomalies and Absolute Dynamic Topography Heights and Geostrophic Velocities in delayed-time " allsat " product
The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) is in charge of the processing and distribution of the Sea Level Anomaly, Absolute Dynamic Topography Heights and Geostrophic Velocities in delayed-time " twosat " product. Note that they are also distributed by CMEMS.
Contents: gridded sea level anomalies computed with respect to a twenty-year mean
Use: study of ocean variability (mesoscale circulation, seasonal variation, El Niño...), including operational oceanography (near-real time products). And for "twosat" products: climate studies

-Gridded Sea Level heights and derived variables


Ssalto/Duacs Monthly mean and Climatology Gridded Sea level anomalies (1/4°x1/4° on a Cartesian grid)

Contents: Monthly and seasonal gridded sea surface heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean (averaged sea surface heights averaging month by month and climatological sea surface heights calculated by averaging sea level anomalies over a same month).
Use: long-term variability, seasonal and climate studies

- Means and climatologies

Mean Sea Level Cnes/Legos/CLS (2°x 2° on a Mercator grid)

Contents: Map of regional patterns of observed sea level (mm/year), time serie of the reference mean sea level since January 1993. Use: study of the climate change.

Along-track products

Along-track products  

ALTimetry Innovative Coastal Approach Product (ALTICAP)

Content: Jason-3 along-track delayed time corrected Sea level anomalies with corrections and auxiliary parameters
Use: coastal applications


Along-track SSALTO/DUACS experimental products including CFOSat for wave-current intercations studies

along-track CFOSat products geostrophic velocities

SSALTO/DUACS experimental products including CFOSat for wave-current intercations studies

Ssalto/Duacs Sea level anomaly and Absolute dynamic Topography

Condition of access: The Copernicus Marine and Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) is in charge of the processing and distribution of those products (formerly distributed by Aviso+ with no changes in the scientific content). 
Contents: along-track sea surface heights, computed with respect to a twenty-year mean.
Use: study of ocean variability (mesoscale circulation, seasonal variation, El Niño...), including operational oceanography (near-real time products)

- Along-track sea level heights

OSTM/Jason-2 Sea Surface Height Anomalies

Contents: OSTM/Jason-2 along-track sea surface heights computed with respect to CLS01 mean sea surface. Available in real-time, near-real time and delayed-time.
Use: from operational oceanography and marine meteorology (real time products) to the study of ocean variability.




OSTM/Jason-2 Experimental coastal and hydrology products

Contents: OSTM/Jason-2 20 Hz along-track measurements, corrections to apply, in near-real time with specific processing.
Use: coastal applications, operational oceanography (near-real time), environmental monitoring (flooding/drought).

- Coastal

- Hydrology

Sentinel3 Experimental products (peachi)

Contents: Mono-mission Sentinel-3A altimetry product, LR-RMC mode
Use: open ocean, coastal applications

S3 experimental products

Monomission Corrected Sea Surface Heights

Contents: along-track corrected sea surface heights wrt reference ellipsoid, with corrections, significant wave heights and backscatter coefficient.
Use: stationary or long-term geophysical and ocean phenomenon studies; thanks to the corrections package, user is able to substitute algorithms in accordance with his needs.

- DT-CorSSH and L2P 

Geophysical Data

Contents: along-track altimetric measurements averaged over 1 seconde, corrections to apply
Use: geophysical studies, operational oceanography


Geophysical and sensor data

Contents: 20 Hz along-track waveform information, corrections to apply
Use: expert use; coastal, ice studies or anything requesting a different retracking function than the one used for ocean

(TP, Jason-1/2/3, Saral)