Gridded and along-track Sea Level Heights and geostrophic currents - Antarctic
Types of dataset: Experimental Ssalto/Duacs gridded mono and multimission and along-track altimeter products dedicated to Antarctic. These datasets are one of the experimental products which are available on the SSALTO/DUACS experimental products
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a01-2022.010 - more metadata
Contents: mono and multimission sea level heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean and associated geostrophic current anomalies. The formal error is also included.
Condition of access : Users should keep in mind that these products are experimental products. Notably, they are not produced on an operational basis.
Description: Sea level and geostrophic current anomalies grids for the Antarctic from radar altimeter measurements, available for 3 monomissions along-track and gridded files and 1 multimission file combining 3 satellites : SARAL/AltiKa, Cryosat-2 and Sentinel-3A.
Citation: When using the SSALTO/DUACS experimental products, please cite: "Those products were processed by SSALTO/DUACS (DOI: 10.24400/527896/a01-2022.010 version 2.0) and distributed by AVISO+ ( with support from CNES”
Geographic coverage: Antarctic.
Tools and references:
- User Manual: SSALTO/DUACS experimental products handbook: SLA for polar Oceans
- Veillard P, Prandi P, Pujol M-I, Daguzé J-A, Piras F, Dibarboure G and Faugère Y (2024) Arctic and Southern Ocean polar sea level maps and along-tracks from multi-mission satellite altimetry from 2011 to 2021. Front. Mar. Sci. 11:1419132.
- Veillard, P., Prandi, P., Auger, M., Faugere, Y., and Dibarboure, G.: Sea level maps of the Arctic (and southern) ocean from satellite altimetry from 2011 to 2021, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7859, , 2023.
- Prandi, P., Poisson, J.-C., Faugère, Y., Guillot, A., and Dibarboure, G., 2021: Arctic sea surface height maps from multi-altimeter combination, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 5469–5482,
- Auger, M., Prandi, P. & Sallée, JB. Southern ocean sea level anomaly in the sea ice-covered sector from multimission satellite observations. Sci Data 9, 70 (2022).
- Auger, Matthis & Prandi, P.. (2019). Sea Level Anomaly from a Multi-Altimeter Combination in the Ice-Covered Southern Ocean. OSTST 2019
Copyright: 2013-2019 - Cnes/Cls.
Video: Southern ocean absolute dynamic topography maps from multimission satellite
altimetry. Particules are advected into the ocean currents and the black line denotes the 30%
threshold in sea ice concentration.
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Delayed-time gridded SLA dedicated to Antarctic products
Satellite | Area | Version | Type | Authenticated access service | Resolution | Data period | File weight |
SARAL/AltiKa | Antarctic | 2.0 | along-track (monomission) | please refer to MY AVISO+ and select the product "Ssalto/Duacs Experimental products: along-track andn gridded Sea Level Heights and velocities" | 5Hz - 1km/ 1 day | 2013/03/14-2022/01/01 | <160 Kb (1 file per day) |
Cryosat-2 | 2012/12/21-2021/12/31 | <320 Kb (1 file per day) | |||||
Sentinel-3A | 2016/07/01-2021/06/30 | <310 Kb (1 file per day) | |||||
SARAL/AltiKa | gridded (monomission) | 75 km/10 days (but 2 consecutive dates are not independent as a result of 30 days averages) | 2013/03/18-2022/07/09 | 188 Mb | |||
Cryosat-2 | 2012/12/18-2021/12/21 | 179 Mb | |||||
Sentinel-3A | 2016/06/30-2021/06/24 | 101 Mb | |||||
Merged | gridded (multimission) | 25 km/3 days, but 2 consecutive dates are not independent | 2013/01/02-2021/12/31 | 3.8 Mb (1 file per 3 days) |