Lively Data, 2009
Dec. 29, 2009: On the borders of the Gulf Stream
Along the northern boundary of the Gulf Stream, where the subtropical and subpolar gyres meet together, the exchanges of heat are maximum. The LAS can easily show it.
Nov. 23, 2009: Meeting the Mindanao and the Kuroshio currents
The western equatorial Pacific Ocean is an area with a complex circulation. The geostrophic velocities derived from SLA and plotted with vectors in the LAS easily highlight it.
Sep. 21, 2009: Cold waters and wet African monsoon
The LAS illustrates the negative SLA (cold waters) occuring this summer in the Gulf of Guinea, whereas a wet African monsoon started.
Aug. 18, 2009: Severe typhoon Morakot in the western Pacific
Wind and wave near-real time data deduced from altimetry and integrated in the LAS can help to follow the path and the strength of Morakot.
Jul. 17, 2009, Prelude to El Niño
While current observations indicate El Niño conditions are increasing across the equatorial Pacific Ocean, a quick look with the LAS on recent Sea Level Anomalies evolutions and geostrophic currents confirm that El Niño conditions are present.
June 18, 2009, Meddies in Atlantic Ocean
'Meddies' are defined as warm and salty eddies of Mediterranean water sinking in the Atlantic through the Gibraltar Strait. The LAS can help to show these meddies or detail their characteristics.
May 19, 2009 : Drawing formal mapping error maps
A comparison on maps of merged SLA before/after the Jason-2 integration shows a formal error decreasing with the Jason-2 contribution.
Apr. 17, 2009: Black Sea : a new regional product for the LAS
The LAS now includes a new regional product for the Black Sea with a high spatial resolution and a mesoscale pattern well defined.
Mar. 20, 2009: Variability of Mediterranean Sea
Like all seas and oceans over the world, the Mediterranean Sea has a spatial and temporal variability. By representing the sea level anomalies rms over all the available period (1992-2008), strong, medium and low variability areas are described throughout this basin.
February 17, 2009: On the sources of Agulhas Current
The delayed-time dataset has been updated and extended in the LAS. This is an opportunity to focus on the source region of the Agulhas current on the southern coasts of Madagascar.
Jan. 16, 2009: Global product vs Mediterranean product
The LAS provides a regional product for the Mediterranean Sea with some optimized parameters for the characteristics of the Mediterranean signal.