SMDT-MED-2014 - Combined mean dynamic topography

Mediterranean Sea

Types of dataset: auxiliary products

Contents: mean sea surface above geoid, corrected from geophysical effects. It is referenced over a twenty-year period [1993-2012].

Use: ocean circulation, operational oceanography.

Description: combined product covering 20 years (1993-2012) based on multi-platform observing systems, extended datasets and refined processing.
The Cnes and CTOH distribute this product courtesy of SOCIB. This MDT has been produced by CLS, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) and OGS with funds from SOCIB. 
The file distributed by Aviso+ is referenced to a twenty-year period [1993; 2012]. Moreover, a mean bias has been applied (1.13cm) in order to take into account the adjustment between the global MDT and the Mediterranean. However, the basin scale biases are not taken into account.
The file contains the Mean Dynamic Topography (MDT) and the associated error (MDTerror) on a 1/16 degree grid. More information about the processing can be found in the following reference: 

  • Rio, M.-H., A. Pascual, P.-M. Poulain, M. Menna, B. Barceló, and J. Tintoré : Computation of a new mean dynamic topography for the Mediterranean Sea from model outputs, altimeter measurements and oceanographic in situ data. Ocean Science, 10, 731-744 , 2014. doi: 10.5194/os-10-731-2014.

Geographic coverage: Mediterranean Sea : (31-46°N, 6°W-36°E)

Format: NetCDF

Distribution media: FTP

Condition of access: no restriction as stated in the licence agreement.

Copyright: 2014 SOCIB

The access to this product is directly a Download via FTP (with IE or a FTP client) or via 

RioMed - Combined mean dynamic topography

Mediterranean Sea

Types of dataset: auxiliary products

Contents: mean sea surface above geoid, corrected from geophysical effects. 

Use: ocean circulation, operational oceanography

Description: combined product covering 7 years(1993-1999) based on MFSTEP system, altimetry and in situ (drifter) data.
The file contains, for a given longitude and latitude, the mean dynamic topography, derived U geostrophic component, and derived V geostrophic component.

Geographic coverage: Mediterranean Sea : (31-46°N, 6°W-36°E)

Format: ASCII

Distribution media: FTP

Condition of access: products delivered for scientific purposes only as stated in the licence agreement. Further information :  Access to auxiliary products.
To get an acces to the last version of MDT product, please fill in, select the given product and valid the following form:

File weight: 680 KB

Copyright: 2007 CLS