Mesoscale Eddy Trajectories Atlas Product META2.0 DT
NOT RECOMMENDED cf Pegliasco et al., OSTST 2022
Types of dataset: multimission altimeter products.
Contents: multimission altimetry-derived eddy trajectories in version 2.0 DT (for Delayed-Time)
Use: study of ocean mesoscale eddies
Condition of access: These products are available free of charge for any purpose (scientific, operational, commercial, etc.) as stated in the licence agreement.
Data access service: FTP
Description: eddies detected from the multimission altimetry datasets, with location each day giving the type (cyclonic/anticyclonic), speed, radius and associated metadata, for the whole altimetry period: 1993-ongoing
Geographic coverage: global
Format: NetCDF-4 Classic with CF standards.
- User Handbook: Mesoscale Eddy Trajectories Atlas Product Handbook META2.0, SALP-MU-P-EA-23126
- Statistical analysis document (version delayed-time 2.0)
- Reading software: examples in Python programming language. Details on Aviso+ Users Newsletter #14, page 4: Tools for the Mesoscale Eddy Trajectories Atlas.
- Image of the month, June 2017: Eddies everywhere
Citation: If you use the data, please cite: The altimetric Mesoscale Eddy Trajectories Atlas (META2.0) was produced by SSALTO/DUACS and distributed by AVISO+ ( ) with support from CNES, in collaboration with Oregon State University with support from NASA.
- Michael G. Schlax and Dudley B. Chelton, 2016: The “Growing Method" of Eddy Identification and Tracking in Two and Three Dimensions, College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, July 8, 2016
- Poster presentation, OSTST 2018, A Delepoulle et al., A new 25 year mesoscale eddy trajectory atlas on AVISO
- Poster presentation, OSTST 2017, A.Delepoulle et al., 24 year mesoscale eddy trajectory atlas on AVISO
Copyright : 1993 - ongoing CLS - Cnes - OSU
Eddy dataset
Satellite | Authenticated access service ![]() | Frequency | Data period | File weight |
Merged version 2.0 delayed-time | see your MY AVISO+ | yearly | From Jan. 1993 to Mar. 2020 | 300 MB |
See also
META3.2 DT version
META3.2exp NRT version
META3.1exp DT version (this version is not maintained anymore)
META3.0exp NRT version (this version is not maintained anymore)
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