Combined mean dynamic topography - MDT CNES-CLS18

Types of dataset: auxiliary products

Contents:  The Mean Dynamic Topography MDT-CNES-CLS18 is an estimate of the mean over the 1993-2012 period of the sea surface height above geoid. This is consistent with the reference time period also used in the SSALTO DUACS products.

Use: ocean circulation, operational oceanography

Description: use of the latest GOCO05S geoid model (based on the complete GOCE mission, 10.5 years of GRACE data) and 25 years of altimetry and in-situ data (hydrologic and drifters). (More information)

Geographic coverage: global, 1/8°

Distribution media: Authenticated FTP, gridded data extraction tool and OpdenDap

Condition of access: The MDT-CNES-CLS18 is a standard product as stated in the licence agreement. Please see our FAQ to access this product (distinction if you are already an Aviso+ user or not).

Copyright: 1992-ongoing Cnes-CLS

- Mulet, S., Rio, M.-H., Etienne, H., Artana, C., Cancet, M., Dibarboure, G., Feng, H., Husson, R., Picot, N., Provost, C., and Strub, P. T.: The new CNES-CLS18 Global Mean Dynamic Topography, Ocean Sci., 17, 789-808,, 2021.
Mulet et al., "The new CNES-CLS18 Mean Dynamic Topography", OceanPredict'19
Rio et al., "New CNES-CLS18 Mean Dynamic Topography of the global ocean from altimetry, gravity and ins-situ data, OSTST 2018

see also How to cite Aviso data?


Product Authenticated access service type format File weight
MDT access via MY AVISO+ gridded NetCDF4 100 Ko per file