Floating sargassum algae detection with GOES-16 satellite.

Maps of sargassum detection index FAI anomaly (Anomaly of Floating Algae Index) produced in real time from the geostationary satellite GOES-16 (ABI sensor).

Types of dataset: mono-mission dataset using ABI sensor onboard GOES-16 satellite.

DOI10.24400/527896/a01-2022.008  -  more metadata

Contents: maps of sargassum detection index (FAI anomaly): instantaneous maps of ABI-GOES16 every 10 minutes and daily mean maps at 1-km resolution.

Use: improve the sargassum detection in the Caribbean region by increasing the satellite coverage of sun-synchronous sensors usually used for sargassum detection.

Condition of access : these products are delivered for any purposes as stated in the licence agreement

Description: daily gridded products provided in near real time since 28 March 2022 produced in the frame of a jointed initiative CLS-Hygeos with the support of the CNES. Each map represents the sargassum presence index averaged over one day

Citation: When using the Floating Algae Index using GOES-16 satellite product, please cite “The Floating sargassum algae detection product has been produced by CLS and Hygeos with support from CNES, distributed by Aviso+ (DOI 10.24400/527896/a01-2022.008).”

Geographic coverage: Tropical Atlantic from -5°S to 40°N, 100°W to 12°W

Format: NetCDF-4 Classic with CF standards.


Copyright : 2022 - ongoing Cnes, Cls, Hygeos

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Detection of floating sargassum algae - GOES-16

Product Dataset DOI Authenticated access service  Frequency Data period Dataset name
Sargassum algae detection index - GOES-16 

hr dataset :  Sargassum FAI anomaly maps calculated between 10am and 7:50pm ITC every 10 minutes. A day contains 60 cards


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- From 01 Mar 2022 - ongoing dataset-sargassum-abi-goes-global-nrt-hr

dm dataset:  daily means of the 60 instantaneous maps of Sargassum FAI anomaly.
